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new year new you with p.sweat

Products shown were provided to me free of charge from P.vovle for the purpose of this review. I will also be compensated if you make a purchase using my affiliate link. Applicable images were provided as well. All opinions are my own.

P.sweat is a great program, and like every great workout program you have to be dedicated. No workout program shows results overnight, but with hard work,determination and dedication you can and will achieve the results you want with P.Sweat!  As you have discovered women are very different from men!  Especially when it comes to working out–that’s why I love P.volve and P.sweat live streaming workouts because they are designed for women.



1. FEEL LIKE A WOMAN: Women’s bodies are different than men’s and should be treated as such. Workouts geared towards men typically include explosive movements that overdevelop muscles. These workouts may feel good in the short run for women, but they aren’t necessary. I like to slow the movements down to create a natural-looking body.

2. PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR HIPS: I always start my sessions with a full-body hip stretch. Hip tightness is common and is aggravated by activities like sitting, running and cycling. Hip movement is critical to enabling the body to perform fully and to achieving a sleek, natural physique. Before working out, be sure to stretch completely and open up your hips.

3. PAIN = NO GAIN: We have been conditioned to feel good about feeling sore after a workout. What that pain really means, however, is that you’re breaking down your muscles, causing them to get larger as they rebuild. Instead, concentrate on lightweight, low resistance and muscle activation.

I haven’t been able to workout consistently the way I’ve wanted to, but I do believe I will be seeing results soon.  Stephen Pasterino  “P” is the founder of P.volve and P.sweat.  P has done extensive studies in how to create lean muscular bodies that all women would love to have.

Do you plan on trying P.sweat this year? 

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  • Dana Rodriguez
    January 17, 2020 at 12:23 pm

    I need to check this out. I am wanting to get my body more tone.

  • Theresa
    December 28, 2019 at 11:39 am

    I have got to try this! Thanks for sharing!