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need a notebook? we gotcha covered :: review

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IMG_4292I have a slight (read: not so slight) fascination with paper. I like all the different types of paper, weights of paper, feels of paper, finishes of paper. I’m also a sucker for a good notebook. A nice, sturdy cover with good, heavy paper? And personalize it, too? I’m so in. My kids certainly take after their mother. We’re those people who wait for all the school supplies to go on sale and then scour the shelves for our favorites. I’ve lost tabs on how many journals, diaries, and/or notebooks my kids have. They have “Dino Guides” where they’ve drawn and labelled all kinds of creatures. They have art books full of cartoons and colorings. There are some notebooks that have been stripped of their pages. But don’t worry about wasting them! That paper found a new purpose as one or another origami art projects.

We were able to check out 5 different notebooks. I told theย  My oldest got the small Lost in Space notebook that comes with outer space stickers. He let his siblings help him decorate. My little journal-lover is also a cat-lover so she got the Kitty Cat and has really enjoyed drawing pictures of animals and writing poems and stories about them. My younger son got Robot Creation and my youngest daughter got SpringTime Fun. I even got one for myself! With my name on it so that no one else can steal it! (I’m looking at you, my dear tiny humans)! I got the Green with Envy book with my name and initial on the front and “The Simple Moms” on the back. For most of the books, you can add any text of your choice on the back.

ThIMG_4293e book you see here is Springtime Fun. (I would have shown you the front but she was too busy coloring. Check out the link to see what the cover looks like!) Neither the front nor the back have glossy covers because they are coloring pages! The front and the back both have flowers to color (although there are several other coloring notebooks. Although you could pick any type of paper you want inside your notebook, this one has sketch paper without lines. Perfect for my teeny tiny little artist!

Another thing great thing about these notebooks is the heavy-weight glossy front and back covers. They can stand up to a little beating and battering (I can certainly attest to that!) and are perfect for writing on with dry erase markers. My older children are working on how to diagram sentences. It’s been really helpful for me to help them with that and it’s also been great for math work because we hate to waste scrap paper if we can help it!

What I love about these is that they’re all similar but have little details that really make your notebook yours. Begin with a personalized cover. Then pick the color of your spiral binding. And you can pick from a large selection of different types of paper. Not only do they have regular (wide and college) ruled paper, but also graph paper, and checklists, and recipes, and more. And let me tell you, this paper is smooth and my daughter says that it makes practicing cursive a lot easier. I don’t know if it’s true or not, but I’ll take it. ๐Ÿ™‚

paper options - gotcha covered

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SIMPLE tips to getcha covered and SAVE:
Visit the Gotcha Covered website and click on the “Save Now” tab.
Check out the free IOS storybook app, Journey of a Notebook.
In the app, tap the bottom of the screen to visit Gotcha Covered Notebooks where you can find a fabulous coupon.

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  • Keara B.
    March 6, 2015 at 1:04 pm

    These are adorable. My daughter loves coloring notebooks and goes through them like crazy! I’ll have to keep these in mind for her birthday. Thanks for sharing!

  • Bianca Munoz
    March 5, 2015 at 3:27 pm

    I love this kind of stuff! Thanks for sharing ๐Ÿ™‚