1 In fashion/ little fashions/ spring fashion

my checklist for choosing spring clothing for my kiddos

disclaimer no giveaway
Here in Michigan, we had a LONG winter. We are finally enjoying gorgeous weather and are switching out of winter sweaters and into lighter spring clothes.  If your kids are like mine, they are spending a LOT of time outside now that they don’t have to bundle up.  So I have a checklist of a few things I look for when I buy spring clothing.

Washability.  Is that a word?  Either way, it’s one thing I need in kids clothing–especially in the spring.  Mud, grass stains, popsicle drips.  It’s rare that my kids come home with clean clothes in the spring.  And I really can’t blame them!  So I look for clothes that wash well.  It needs to withstand lots of washes with stain remover and still look nice.  I can’t waste money on clothes that pill and fade as soon as I wash them.  We’ve been investing in clothes from Jojo Maman Bébé for a few years now.  My son’s clothes from last spring, while they are getting a bit small, still look like new!  I’m not sure how many times they’ve been washed, but I’m sure his favorite hippo shirt was washed at least 20 times.  And it still looks amazing!  Check out the cute pirate rhino shirt we just got to replace his hippo.  He loves it!!

Comfort.  It doesn’t matter how gorgeous their clothes are, if they aren’t comfortable, my kids won’t wear them.  So I’m looking for soft, cozy fabrics and styles with a comfortable fit.  I love that Jojo Maman Bébé has hidden adjustable waistbands so my kids aren’t left with an uncomfortable string of elastic hanging in their pants.  And the fabrics are so soft.  Even the more structured shorts and pants are made with comfort in mind.  My boys refuse to wear “hard pants” so I love that I can find a classic style without a fabric that can stand up by itself.

Style.  I love finding things that are a bit different than what everyone else wears.  From the striped collar lining to the multiple length options when rolling pants to the adorable applique designs, Jojo Maman Bébé has an eye for detail that puts their clothes a notch above everyone else.  And the girl styles are just as gorgeous!  Check out some of their darling dress options!  We get compliments on our Jojo Maman Bébé outfits every. single. time they are worn.
These are three reasons why I keep coming back to Jojo!  It is one brand that fits all of my needs!  What do you look for in clothing for your kiddos?



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  • Dana Rodriguez
    May 8, 2018 at 11:20 am

    So cute! I love their clothing too. Their styles are just adorable.