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let’s talk top sleeping techniques {#mc #sleepweek @zarbees}

“I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Zarbee’s Naturals. I received product samples and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.”

zarbee's logoThis past weekend was Daylight Savings – Spring ahead.  How many of you are still dealing with the transition?  Has it been good or bad in your home?  Sometimes, us parents are in a tizzy trying to figure out WHAT we can do! I thankfully have never had to deal with major issues, but I know that’s not common.  Normally, a lot of kids really get messed up by this!

This week, Zarbee’s Naturals will be sharing sleep tips on their Facebook and Twitter platforms.  I highly recommend you following along.  Click the links in this section to pop on over and see what they are sharing. There’s been some great ones so far!

If you are still at your wits end, I have another solution for you.  Check out the Zarbee’s Naturals Children’s Sleep products.  They are just as natural as all the other products you can get from this great brand! To be honest, I’m so impressed with this brand the more I research them!

Zarbee’s Children’s Sleep is a safe and effective remedy for occasional sleeplessness*. Children’s Sleep contains 1mg of clinically proven melatonin to promote restful sleep* in children 3 years +. The ingredients in Zarbee’s Children’s Sleep are natural, non-habit forming and won’t leave your little ones feeling groggy the next day*.

Zarbees_Sleep_Hours_Chart_FINALLast, I wanted to share some techniques we do in our home to prepare for bedtime.

From Dr. Zak :: 9 Steps to a Good Night’s Sleep

1. Consistency is key – whether it’s the weekend or the week night, keep bedtime the same.

2. Create a sleep friendly bedroom – dark, cool and quiet.

3. Stick to a routine – dedicate 20-30 minutes for the bedtime routine. it gives the kids something predictable to expect and help them wind down.

4. Go ‘E-free” in the evening – no electronics. period. they get their minds erasing, so get rid of them to help with that 😉

5. Teach how to sleep – allow them to fall asleep on their own, without you and in their own bed.

6. Going to Sleep is Not a Game – amen. seriously… respond to their inquiries, but wait a little bit of time first.

7. Know the numbers – check out the cute blue chart with all the zarbee’s on it.

8. Brighten the day and stay active – get up and get active and allow the natural light in and let them awaken.

9. No caffeine for bedtime snack – we just don’t use it ever anyways.  good night time snacks include warm milk and cookies, bananas or nuts.

Dr. Zak talks about creating great sleep hygiene in the video below. A lot of the things he recommends we already do. YAY! However, he does mention something at the end of the video that I think I need to work on. Check it out…

Now it your turn! What do you do with your children to ensure a good night’s sleep?  Please tell all the parents out here who are at their wits end too! 🙂

For parents who need a little extra help, Zarbee’s Naturals is sharing a coupon code for $1.50 off Zarbee’s Naturals Children’s Sleep (and free shipping on all orders over $10). It’s available online at Zarbee’s! Use   zarbeessleep at checkout.

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  • Susan McNeill
    March 12, 2014 at 7:36 am

    All great tips. It was a challenge in our family to get the kids to go to be by themselves. But, we survived… mostly!

    • Shannon :: owner
      March 23, 2014 at 11:51 am

      Ha! Isn’t that the truth!! 🙂 Every day is different it seems 😉