2 In SIMPLE causes

kyle needs you :: can you help? {a simple cause}

Kyle is a half-Chinese, half-Caucasian 4-year-old with aplastic anemia – a condition where the body does not produce enough new blood cells and is fatal within six months without a bone marrow transplant. Of the 9 million registered bone marrow donors, a match hasn’t been found for Kyle yet. They are searching for part-Asian, part-Caucasian donors to increase the likelihood of a match. Getting tested to be a bone marrow donor is as simple as swabbing your cheek.

We know that Kyle’s match is out there. 10 years ago, finding a match for Kyle would have been extremely difficult. But as social media has connected our world more than ever before, our chances of finding a part-Asian, part-Caucasian donor to help save Kyle’s life are better than ever. So we are using SIMPLE to get the word out and help Kyle find a donor as soon as possible!

Find out on ways you can help by going to their website kyleneedsyou.org!

You could be the one to save Kyle’s life. Visit Be The Match to have a test kit mailed to you. You must be between the ages of 18 and 60 and in good general health.

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  • Ginny
    January 22, 2012 at 3:33 am

    I just shared this with a family in our church and my husband’s cousins. Both have children that are half Caucasian and half Chinese. I will pray for this cute little guy. Really hits home since we have a sweet little 4 year old boy.

    • Jaime
      January 23, 2012 at 4:30 pm

      I know doesn’t it. I just pray they can find something soon!!