8 In baby gear/ big kid gear/ clean it up/ frugal living

kid friendly cups in a snap with SipSnap :: review

disclaimer no giveaway

You know you are a mom when….

The other day I went shopping (by MYSELF!) at one of our local craft stores. I had so much fun taking as much time as I wanted looking at fabric and other such nonsense. After making my selection, I went to the checkout counter and as I reached into my purse to pull out my wallet, I couldn’t help but BUST into laughter! The cashier probably thought I was crazy… I mean, I was DYING laughing. In my purse was not only one, or even two, but THREE sippy cups. This could indicate one of two things: 1. I am a mom OR 2. I have WAY too big of a purse to not notice THREE sippy cups in there!!

SipSnapWith that being said, sippy cups can be incredibly bulky. Since I feel like I have “arrived” and no longer need to tote along a full diaper bag, I simply throw a few of the necessities into my purse and head out the door. Thanks to SipSnap, I now have a ready made child-friendly cup right at my fingertips in a convenient little container that I can just throw into the bottom of my purse and when I need it…. It’s there!

How many times do you forget to bring a kid friendly glass to __________ (insert wherever you are going)? With SipSnap, you can transform any cup into a baby/toddler friendly cup! The stretchy material of the SipSnap lid stretches to fit any shape and size glass. Pretty cool, huh? 🙂

SipSnap offers two innovative designs to help with every stage of childhood: a sippy cup and a straw cup!! My son will be two next month and he enjoys both types of SipSnap lids. Both contain the liquid from the inevitable spills…. They are not spill proof, but a few drops of liquid verses a flood is preferable any day! 🙂

I have talked with several other mothers who have tried the SipSnap lids and they are all in agreement, this is an awesome product and a must have for every family!

One word of caution: my toddler kept sticking his finger in the air vent hole, which eventually tore the SipSnap lid. I do not fault SipSnap for this since this was not being used as it is intended, but I wanted to caution you not to let your child do this should you choose to purchase this awesome product!


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  • Theresa Hover
    November 4, 2015 at 11:44 pm

    Such a smart idea! I love the fun colors they come in.

  • Heather N
    March 18, 2015 at 12:57 pm

    How have these held up over a few months of use? I’ve seen a lot of positive reviews updated a few months later with “Well they tore and fell apart” and I’m wondering if this happened to you as well. Thanks!

    • Shanda
      March 27, 2015 at 8:50 am

      Hi Heather! As I mentioned in my review, we did have one of our SipSnaps rip, but it was because my son was poking his finger through the vent (which I can assume is NOT how it was supposed to be used!). I have not had any other negative experience with them. However, they have not had been used consistently because my son has been using “big people” cups, so I feel I cannot give you an accurate response to their integrity over long, extended use. Sorry! The experience we had with them was good though.

  • Samantha
    February 5, 2015 at 10:41 am

    Would love to try these! It’s so difficult to find a good child’s cup that doesn’t leak!

  • Keara B.
    January 26, 2015 at 3:43 pm

    Love this idea! It’s a little expensive for my taste (even for 3 of them), but I’d still like to try them because I prefer having my kids get used to “adult” glasses when they’re pretty young. These would just make those adult glasses a little more kid-friendly. 🙂

  • Melinda Stephens
    January 26, 2015 at 10:20 am

    I’ve considered getting one before, but I think $21 is way too much. I think it is a great concept, but for that price, I’d rather just carry around a cup. It’s too bad, because I was really excited when I heard about them.

  • Christy Smith
    January 26, 2015 at 8:30 am

    These look great! Very handy for a mom of 4.

  • Janet W.
    January 26, 2015 at 6:26 am

    These cups would be perfect for my grandsons, especially in the car since they are spill-proof!