4 In adults/ big kids/ clean it up/ get healthy/ media/ tech stuff

keep your phone germ-free with nuevue :: review

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NueVue_Tagline_gradient Are you a statistics person? I kind of am….in that I like to read them (not come up with them). Well, here is one you might have tried to forget about: your phone, statistically speaking, is dirtier than a toilet seat. Don’t shoot the messenger, but it’s the truth. Here’s another truth: as a mom, I don’t have time to clean my phone 800 times a day, which is how often my kids seem to grab it and leave it someplace gross. But do not despair. NueVue, aka my new superhero, has invented a phone case that cleans your phone every time you use it. You heard me. Every time.

My NueVue case has a microfiber interior that removes 99.9% of the bacteria that may be hanging out on your phone. Plus the BioCote technology used in the inside of the case actually repels germs once you remove it from the case. Check it out. iPhone_purple canvas_both_reflection

“BioCote® provides continuous antimicrobial protection for the life of your NueVue case – actively reducing levels of microbes on your device’s surface to keep it looking like new longer. BioCote® will not wear off or wash away, and has been proven to reduce up to 99.9% of the microbes that may stain or degrade the device’s surface in two hours.”

But here is the best part: these cases are CUTE!! What a relief, right? You do not have to sacrifice style for cleanliness! They come in a variety of colors and study materials (cotton twill, canvas, and leather), and even offer a style with a built-in credit card holder. These cases are specifically designed for the iPhone (4 & 5, all generations), the iPad and the iPad mini.  These cases are a must-have for any mom looking to keep her device protected and germ free! Check out their full line of cases here!

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NueVue iPhone case (canvas) :: $44.99


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  • Manda Healey
    May 30, 2014 at 9:36 am

    This is a great idea. Phones and purses have always freaked me out but you just figure there is nothing you can do about it. Now you can!

  • Angela saver
    May 27, 2014 at 11:52 pm

    Now this is awesome! It’s pretty gross to think how dirty our phones really are. I’m thinking about getting one of these too! Thanks for sharing!

  • Sadie B.
    May 26, 2014 at 11:18 am

    This is a great idea. So many people set their phones down and don’t realize the germs that they pick up.

  • Kaycee
    May 25, 2014 at 1:57 pm

    Statistics kinda freak me out. Like when you flush the toilet it sprays all over the bathroom. Now I can’t flush without putting the lid down, in public restrooms without lids I run. LOL