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it’s just a hip, but controls so much. and when it’s torn… an update on me!

If you have been reading the blog for any amount of time now, you will have seen and know that I am a runner. I am an active mom who wants to stay active with my little ladies, and keep my peace of mind as well. My “me-time” has always been running, at least, once I entered college. It all started with my girlfriend in college. She was a runner and asked if I wanted to start running with her. My answer, sure! Out we went fora 7 mile run. SEVEN. It’s been history ever since.

Running has helped me keep my weight in check. Also, I’m not super great at continually counting my calories, so it’s given me a little grace in that department too. Double sided awesome-ness, if you ask me. I stay sane and in shape and healthy. 😉

Earlier this year, I was training for a 1/2 marathon. I have found that I really like that distance, it takes effort, but doesn’t completely control my life, like training for a full marathon did. The half marathon pushed me, yet I could get all my training runs completed in the time that I had at the local YMCA, where they watched my kids. I remember about half way through my training, my hip started to hurt. Naturally, I went with the thought of it being my hip flexor. I mean, all the signs lead towards that diagnosis. I did extra stretches, rested, changed things up…yet it still hurt. That was at my half way point in my half marathon training. I still had about 5-6 weeks to go…what a labral tear looks like and how it happened to meI continued training through the pain and finished the half marathon. I was happy with my time, although I knew I could have done better if my pain would have held off. At mile 4, of 13.1 miles, my hamstring and hip flexor (or so I thought) started hurting. Bad. I completed the race and took time off. Necessary time off.

labral hip tear post for the SIMPLE mom

Once I attempted to start running again, it wasn’t successful. Things hurt so bad that I went out to run a 3-miler and stopped at 1/2 mile. Pain was so bad. I marched right up to the sports med office I have in the YMCA I am a member at and set up an appointment that day.labral hip tear post for the SIMPLE mom

Turns out, after a couple appointments and a VERY expensive MRI, I have a labral tear. I was directly referred to a surgeon, which I did NOT want to do. So, I tried more rest, more stretches and more individual research. The pain was still there after all that so I called back the sports med doctor to get the surgeon’s name again. Just to “talk”.

Upon meeting with this surgeon, he talked about my MRI and shared his route of care/procedure/after care/surgery for me. He was a nice guy, very thorough and I had a good feeling when I left the office. Although, I was still ruling out surgery at this point…because, SURGERY! Ugh. I did a little extra research into this particular surgeon and he actually had a hip surgery on his Facebook page that I could watch. My husband and a couple girlfriends couldn’t believe I watched it, but I wanted to know what the hay was going to go on!

I have a second meeting with a different surgeon scheduled for tomorrow.

It wasn’t until we were at a cottage that we rent every year this summer, about 10 days ago, that I realized surgery was probably going to be the direction I’d go in. I made choices when we were up there only because I was concerned about getting hurt more. I didn’t attempt water skiing, because I didn’t want to jar my hip and tear it more. I chose not to tube with my kids and husband, because I was worried about getting thrown from the tube and hurting my hip more. The list goes on and one…and that made me put surgery to close to the top of my list again.

I meet with another surgeon tomorrow and am hoping for some great clarity coming out of this meeting. Like, SUPERNATURAL clarity so I feel 110% about my decision. Surgery is scary. I have four kids, how am I going to do this? But, I have to remember, I need to ASK for help. That is what is going to get me through this, should I go this route.

If you have had this surgery, or know of anyone that has had it, please talk to me. I’d love to hear your thoughts! It’s crazy how people are put in your life at the right time to give advice. It’s happened a handful of times now since receiving this diagnosis, and I’m so thankful for the advice and stories that’s been shared with me!

I’ll leave you on a fun note, my workout buddy for now. She loves her walks!! labral hip tear post for the SIMPLE mom

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  • Katie
    August 30, 2016 at 2:36 pm

    Shannon, John had surgery to repair a labral tear this past March! Im sure he’d be willing to talk to you about it if you’d like. Let me know if you don’t have his number anymore!

    • Shannon
      August 31, 2016 at 9:59 pm

      I had no clue, not that I really talk with him much any more (outside of running into you guys at races lol!!) I have to run around tomorrow, practically all day, I should try him at the office. As long as his numbers haven’t changed, I bet I still have them in my phone. Thank you for telling me, this is a crazy road I’m going down right now. Ugh!! 🙂

  • Michelle T
    August 29, 2016 at 4:10 pm

    Whoa, that’s a much bigger problem than a tight hip flexor! How were they able to tell the difference? I’ve been nursing my hip for a couple weeks… Maybe I should talk to my Y trainers too.

    I don’t have any information for you, but I hope the surgery and recovery go well!

    • Shannon
      August 31, 2016 at 10:00 pm

      I know, that’s kind of what I thought. Whoops, it’s not just a hip flexor issue. Ugh!!

  • Melissa Storms
    August 29, 2016 at 2:04 pm

    Good luck,I do think surgery really is the only option for this issue. I have been limping around fro several years now and am now dealing with arthritis in that hip. A couple months of recovery are better than the years of limping around. When this first happened and after my first MRI i was online in a busy store with my mom. Mom- ‘So what were the results with your hip, what’s going on?’ Me- ‘Oh. I have a labial tear’. It took me a couple of moments to understand the look of confused horror on her face.

    • Shannon
      August 31, 2016 at 10:01 pm

      Oh boy, that is funny the confusion with that. The slip of one letter LOL! But yah, I am trying to look long term at what is best. Stinks!! 🙁