In health

how to come to terms with wearing hearing aids

If you or your child has been diagnosed with hearing loss, it’s understandable that there might be mixed emotions about what’s coming next, especially if the treatment recommended is wearing hearing aids. We have walked this road and I have good news, you can be positive and normalize hearing loss and hearing aids. Annabelle has been wearing one hearing aid since 2018!

Think about the benefits

Instead of dwelling on the fact you now need to wear hearing aids, think about it in a different way. Now that you’ve got hearing aids, you can hear better! Not only does this help lift any frustrations you may have had beforehand, but it allows you to rediscover the sounds that you forgot you loved. Try to remind yourself that hearing aids aren’t a punishment. In fact, they’re a tool you can use to experience life to the full. 

Understand the stigma

It’s totally normal to feel self conscious about wearing hearing aids, but the truth is, the stigma around wearing them is extremely outdated. Think about it this way – you don’t judge people that use glasses to see more clearly, so why would someone judge you for wearing hearing aids so that you can hear better? For the most part, people don’t even notice. If they do, they may ask you a question and you can have an interesting conversation about it.

Embrace technological advancements

When you think about hearing aids, there’s a good chance that you think about large and clunky devices that sit on your ear. Well, the good news is that there have been significant advancements in hearing aids over the years, meaning you may even be able to use a hearing aid that’s virtually undetectable. Not only that, but they come with other features like wireless connectivity and customizable sound profiles that you can switch between depending on where you are. You’ve literally got the tools to enhance the sounds around you! Our Annabelle just got a new hearing aid last year and it looks like an ear bud and it has amazing Bluetooth capabilities she enjoys. 

Connect with others

If you’re still feeling low about wearing hearing aids, then look for others in the same position as you. There are lots of people that have hearing aids, and connecting with them may help give you some support. Sometimes, hearing stories from people that are going through the same thing can be very reassuring. Plus, it’s the perfect time to make new friends in the process! I have made friends with other moms whose children have hearing loss. 

Personalize your hearing aids

Finally, the beautiful thing about hearing aids in this day and age is that they are completely customizable. When you have your hearing test, speak to your audiologist about your lifestyle so that they can help tailor your hearing aid to your needs. There are lots of different options and designs out there, so take the time to find one that you’re comfortable wearing. 

Truly embracing the idea of wearing hearing aids might not be a quick journey, but if you focus on the benefits and let go of the stigma surrounding them, you’ll see how much they’re going to help you. My own daughter has been a shining example of wearing hearing aids without hesitation or embarrassment. Adults have mentioned that she is an inspiration to them when they have had to embrace hearing aids.

Annabelle is now 14 years old. She’s become an accomplished piano player which feels extra special since we were concerned about what the future would hold with hearing loss. We are very grateful for technology such as her hearing aid that allows her to learn music in a fuller capacity.

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