In theSIMPLEmoms

discouragment :: loss of courage :: *updated*

Yesterday, we remembered a very tough time in our history. I know that many families have been forever changed since September 11th. I’m thankful that we live in a brave and strong country, but we can’t deny that was a tough time. There are every day circumstances that test our strength and courage as well.

This post is a glimpse into my personal life. Isn’t it interesting we can make a CT scan look “happy” on social media? To be real, it’s been a tough week for the mom of this smiling girl. Thankfully her smile is real and she’s a beam of sunshine no matter what is going on.

We just found out that Annabelle has lost 60% of her hearing in one ear and we don’t know why. She is 9 and has been battling severe migraine’s/vertigo for the last 2 years. We are in the midst of waiting on CT scan results. If I pause to think about it too long, I want to feel discouraged. I fear REALLY scary news, I fear total loss of her hearing that would rob her of her musical abilities and I fear the unknown. At the same time, I also have a peace that can only come from above. God knows and cares about my every need and concern. {I Peter 5:7} He loves my Annabelle even more then I do.

*UPDATE*  The CT scan didn’t’ show anything abnormal so that is good news. My heart was so relieved. We will move forward with a hearing aid and keep working towards finding out what may be correctable or if we can stop further loss of hearing. Prayers for wisdom appreciated. Please keep reading for further encouragement if you are facing a trial too.

There are times in life that we see our friends disappointed, we feel disappointed, we disappoint others, or others disappoint us. I know that Satan happy dances when we feel discouraged. I’m writing to myself today, but I hope my pep talk will encourage you as well if you are being overwhelmed by a situation. What is discouragement?

Sometimes I try to take on the burdens of the world. It pains me to see my friends or family struggling. My personality causes me to want to fix everything and everyone.


I can’t lighten financial burdens.
I can’t cure my friend’s loved ones with cancer.
I can’t make the elderly young again so they can walk.
I can’t speed up medical results or pick the outcome of those results.
I can’t stop my friends from moving when God leads them elsewhere.
I can’t take away the heartache I see in the eyes of someone having a family trial.


I CAN trust God!
I CAN love people.
I CAN work on my fear!
I CAN pray for encouragement to reach those in tough situations.
I CAN plead for forgiveness of my own sins and failures. {I John 1:9}
I CAN accept that God’s ways are not always my ways {Proverbs 3:5-6}

If I could pick a song of the month, it would be How Can I Fear. I’ve had it on a loop in my head.

The first line is so good. When shadows fall and the night covers all, there are things that my eyes cannot see. Isn’t that so true that everything seems more hopeless at night? God is near day or night, but I do find brighter hope and clearer thoughts in the morning. As a believer in Christ, I can be strong and have courage because God is always with me. {Joshua 1:9}

Worries cease and peace comes from above. If we didn’t face harder days, we wouldn’t get to experience the worries cease and peace that follows when we give our burdens to God. Jesus is KING and He controls everything. Facing unknowns are always going to be hard. I’m struck with how THANKFUL I am that I can depend on the strength of my friend, Jesus. You can too, do you know Jesus as your personal friend?

When shadows fall and the night covers all
There are things that my eyes cannot see.
I never fear, for the Saviour is near.
My LORD abides with me!

How can I fear? Jesus is near!
He ever watches over me!
Worries all cease; He gives me peace.
How can I fear with Jesus?

When I’m alone and I face the unknown
And I fear what the future may be,
I can depend on the strength of my Friend!
He walks along with me.

How can I fear? Jesus is near!
He ever watches over me!
Worries all cease; He gives me peace.
How can I fear with Jesus?

Jesus is King! He controls everything!
He is with me each night and each day.
I trust my soul to the Saviour’s control;
He drives all fear away!

How can I fear? Jesus is near!
He ever watches over me!
Worries all cease; He gives me peace.
How can I fear with Jesus?

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