3 In holidays/ theSIMPLEmoms

here’s how i am celebrating new year’s eve with kids

Celebrating-1I’m over on the Tommy Mommy blog today talking about celebrating New Year’s Eve with kids. How times have changed for so many!! I’d love it if you popped over and checked out the full post. Here, I’ll get you started and wet your palette…

It seems there is New Year’s Before Kids and New Year’s After Kids. For some, adding children to the mix doesn’t interfere with their social calendar. For us, it became a chosen change. Once they were old enough to have fun with us on New Year’s, we started having parties that included children!

Before children, my husband and I would gather with friends, we would all bring some yummy food and sit around together. Talking, eating (way too much!!), having fun and planning  what the New Year would hold for each of us. We would surround ourselves with like minded people that had the same goals and dreams that we had. It really was a very spiritual and uplifting time!

Once we had children, much of the same continued, but the hours didn’t last as long at night and our company changed slightly. Most people that don’t have children, can’t really get too excited about the little people running around while we are trying to have grown up conversation. When celebrating with children, we still have conversations, but they are not as deep, they are not as quiet and most times, we end up yelling across the table or the room instead of sipping quietly on some hot chocolate on the couch and eating cookies while we play a quiet game together.

All that being said, I love our new routine!! Not only do we get…

We pick family friendly games now. Some of my favorites…

We also create a fun Pinterest worthy food array that…

Last – we just have fun. We spend time together, we talk about…

Head over and read the full post, I’d love to get your thoughts!

Your turn!! I would love to hear what you all do on New Year’s with your children. I like to mix it up and would love to maybe add something new to the night this year, with your advice! Talk to me!!

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  • Denise Taylor-Dennis
    December 27, 2014 at 10:17 am

    New Years celebrations certainly change once you have kids but I wouldn’t trade it. My son is only 5 so he hasn’t stayed up to 12 am yet. Funny thing is I can’t seem to make it this late either. I go to bed pretty early myself.

  • Janet W.
    December 27, 2014 at 5:34 am

    Great ideas for family fun games! My grandsons aren’t really old enough to stay up late and are so ready to go to bed by 7 pm.

  • Jordan
    December 26, 2014 at 2:22 pm

    Love the game ideas! Thank you! 🙂