In christmas/ home decor

hanging stockings with care

One of our family traditions is to read the Night Before Christmas to our children on Christmas Eve, “The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, in hopes that St. Nickolas soon would be there.” We have always hung our stockings on the mantel, but when we moved our new house it didn’t have a chimney.  I wasn’t sure where we would hang our stockings, but I finally made a decision. Typically we would decorate our tree and hang our stockings on the our mantel instead we now hang our stockings on our banister.  Now we get to enjoy our Christmas decorations throughout the entire lower level. Our staircase is in our dinning room and we out our tree up in our living room.


Stockings are even more important to me than the Christmas tree.  My mother has always made our stockings. She not only sews them, but also does the embroidery by hand. Each time our family expanded she would make us a new stocking. When my son came along she made us a new set of stockings.  Even when I was a child she made my stockings and when I got married she made one for my husband and that’s how our stocking tradition came about.


I was raised in a family that was strong in family traditions.  We have always taken the time to create handmade gifts for our loved ones that we can use for generations like these beautiful stockings my  mother made for my family.  Most everyone in my family has talents, but we were all taught to sew.  Back in the olden days proper women were taught to cook, sew, draw and to play an instrument or sing.  I can say most all the women in my family were taught these things.  Not everyone was raised the same way, but I am grateful for the women in my family that took the time to teach me.


What are some of your family traditions?

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