2 In around the house/ get healthy/ health/ in the kitchen/ organic

grab-and-go convenience, real food :: nourish snacks :: review

disclaimer no giveaway

Want to know the way to your child’s heart?  Through snacks, of course.  My kids can totally be won over with a good snack.  Even my two-year-old says “No lunch, Mommy.  Me want snackies.”  And since snacks seem to be everywhere (each child needs a daily snack at school, snacks for sports games and practices, after school snacks, you get the picture here), I try to keep those snacks healthy.  When school starts, I do really well.  As the year goes on, I tend to reach for a packaged snack more and more often.  And so many packaged snacks are full of junk!  So I was thrilled to find Nourish Snacks.


Nourish Snacks was founded by Joy Bauer (you know her as the nutrition expert from NBC’s Today Show) who is passionate about bringing us healthy alternatives to conventional snacking.  All Nourish snacks are:  non GMO, gluten-free, dairy-free and under 200 calories per bag.  Easy to read ingredient labels (no chemicals here) and nutrition facts you can feel good about translate into snacks I’m happy to feed my kids (and myself).


We tried a variety of Nourish snacks–my daughter loved Monkey Love (chocolate banana granola bites), my son was won over by all of the nut mixes (but especially the almond to cherries), and my two-year-old can’t get enough of the Honey Bee (honey roasted chickpeas).  As for the adults, my husband was won over by Mr. Popular (half-popped corn kernels) and I loved the slight kick in Chill’n in the Corner (citrus-chili roasted corn).  See the variety there?  We each found something completely different that we loved.
Not only are we eating delicious, healthy snacks, but it’s made packing the snacks a breeze.  I just pull out our bag of Nourish snacks and let the kids choose which one they want.  It takes virtually no time and everyone is happy.  And now that I know some of our favorites, I can go back and order a-la-carte or choose from a collection (the chocolate collection is calling my name)!  Have you tried Nourish yet?


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  • Beth R
    February 28, 2015 at 10:11 pm

    These look yummy! And I love that this is something I can grab on the go and feel good about eating

  • Denise Taylor-Dennis
    February 28, 2015 at 11:11 am

    These look like a great snack options. I hadn’t seen these before but they look delicious.