1 In around the house/ clean it up/ organize

getting organized one room at a time :: play room

I’ve recently started an organization challenge!  Each week I’ve been tackling one room in the house and cleaning and organizing it completely.  In some rooms, like the dining room, this has required nothing more than sorting through drawers and getting rid of things, while other rooms I’ve created completely new systems and added new storage solutions.  It’s been such a great thing, because even though we’ve only been in our current home a little over 2 years, I can’t get over the amount of stuff that has accumulated.  I’m sure you can relate.
While I have different challenges in each room trying to find the best way to keep things organized, our playroom seems to be the biggest challenge.  We have two little ones.  They are only 1 and 2, but somehow the amount of toys we have accumulated in their short lifetime is completely overwhelming.  I feel like I spend a large part of the day walking through that room stepping on things, picking things up, and trying to keep some sense of order in there.  I’ve decided to spend a couple weeks on this room since it also serves as our entryway and a few other things.  I have found a few ideas to help with the chaos so here’s a couple things I’ve found helpful when it comes to organizing toys.

  1. Create a toy rotation.  Every other month, put some toys away and bring out “new” ones.  This helps with space and helps toys stay exciting.
  2. Make a reading corner.  Keep books in a separate place from toys. This helps my kids care for our books better and have a “quieter” place to enjoy looking at their favorites.
  3. Develop a system the kids can help with. My two year old loves to help clean up and having specific places for specific toys has made it an easy way to keep things organized.

Our toy room also is the room we walk into when we come in to our house.  My husband built me this amazing system from some barnwood in our old barns, and what I love most about this, is that it’s also an easy way for my little guy to help put his own shoes, coats, mittens, and gloves away when we come inside.  He’s actually better at it than me.
What are some ways you keep your toys organized?

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  • Hayley G
    February 21, 2017 at 8:27 pm

    I have been dreading organizing my living room but I know that I need to- this post gave me some much needed inspo 🙂 Have you tried the Kon Mari method? Seems a bit goofy and hard with kids’ stuff but I’m curious!