In around the house/ big kids/ toys & games

get down, get down…with twister dance rave! :: review {@hasbrogamenight @twister}

twister dance raveIf you have young children, you have seen the commercials.  If you haven’t seen the commercials, I’m sure your older children have pointed out this fun game in the aisles at your local store.  My oldest has seen this game three times now as we trek through the aisles of Target picking up our essentials for the week.  Yes, we often stop in the toy aisle to blow some energy.  Heck, it’s very useful time right now because it gives my girls ideas to tell their grandparents!

Close to the top of the list for my oldest is Twister Dance Rave.  Much to her surprise, Christmas came early over here! I had the opportunity to check this game out so I could share it with you all!  So, what did I think of it? Let me tell you!

For starters, it’s a game for older kids…and then going in to the “tweens”. My 4 year old didn’t quite grasp the concept of the game, just the fun of the music 🙂  And forget about it with my 2 year old. 🙂 She just laughed at he sisters…twister dance rave product

A re-make on Twister Dance…only spicing it up a bit!  The color circles, just like in the original Twister, can be seen in this game as well.  You set them up, spread out and off to the dance floor they go!  There are different levels of play as well.  That makes it last longer as once they get to know the steps, they can increase the difficulty.  Now, what am I talking about with the circles? Well, the Twister product (which requires batteries) will light up in the circle colors.  You then step on the applicable color circle.  Boom, done!

A couple more notes, you can do a 2-player version as well as when the regular game is playing…when the purple light flashes, the kids get to “get down” to their own beat.  A favorite of my girls 🙂

Last, you can use this as a music player with your music as well.  You just turn off the lights and plug in your iPod or other mp3 player to get your jams pumping through the speakers on the Twister Dance Rave product.  Lili knows just how to do this, it’s quite simple…and her and Adalynn do play music in their room with this now!

A disclaimer I feel compelled to share.  The songs do have questionable lyrics.  Just sayin’.  So, it’s up to you from here on out! 🙂

Twister Dance Rave Game :: Retails for $34.99.  You can find this on Amazon for $29.04 as of the date of this review.  We have also seen this in the aisles of our local Target!

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