5 In around the house/ good eats/ in the kitchen/ real food/ recipes

fresh ingredients, delicious meals by peachdish

disclaimer no giveaway

xPeachDish-Color_Logo_NO-Tagline_450px_Inline_png_pagespeed_ic_kXRv5ymv3BI love to cook! If I had more time, I’d love to spend days preparing for meals with fresh ingredients and recipes from scratch. I love when a meal has thought put into each ingredient that will be included, making the flavors just perfect! While I enjoy cooking, meal planning isn’t my favorite thing to do. Neither my husband or I are picky eaters, so it should be a breeze to pick out meals, but for some reason, I dread planning the menu for the week. When I was introduced to PeachDish, this was one of the things I was so excited about. I loved the idea of a menu already picked out, and the ingredients delivered right to our door.

PeachDish far exceeded my expectations, however, with 2 amazing meals. The directions were so easy to follow, the ingredients were already measured out, and the meal preparation time was minimal making it a perfect meal for just about anyone to prepare! They even added a couple extras like chocolates and apples, as their way of extending what they call “southern hospitality.” IMG_0085
Our first meal was Chicken with Muscadines and Mashed Potatoes. What a perfect pairing of sweet and savory and a meal my husband, son, and I all thoroughly enjoyed. It took somewhere around 40 minutes to prepare and cook, and left us with an appreciation of a unique southern dish. The next meal we tried was my husband’s favorite- Beef Medallions, Roasted Fingerling Potatoes, and Sauteed Green Beans. We love the PeachDish seasoning used on the meat, the parmesan potatoes were perfect, and the green beans cooked in the beef bits and onions were so tasty!
IMG_0102We are already looking forward to our next meals with PeachDish! A few of my favorite things about this company are:

1. Fresh ingredients from local farms. They even included a list of where many of the ingredients from that week’s meals came from.

2. Generous portions. The meals were just the right size for us. Sometimes I find with meals, they can be overwhelming in the amount or just not enough to fill you up. We found the portions to be generous, without leaving an abundance of leftovers.

3. Options for ordering. You can order meals for your whole week, or just a couple. The portions can be either for 2 or 4. Read more about them here.

4. Delivery to the door. It was nice to have a meal all planned and delivered without having to run out for a few ingredients. Peachdish collage

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  • G K
    August 20, 2016 at 1:07 pm

    I’ve never tried grapes in a savory application. It looks delicious though!

  • cassie
    September 23, 2015 at 6:09 pm

    WOw i haven’t heard of peach dish before. Seems like it would be a great help in losing weight. having meals planned for you and ready to go is better than driving through the fast food window 🙁

    • Laura
      September 25, 2015 at 3:31 pm

      Yes! SO nice to have healthy options right to your door!

  • Alina
    September 23, 2015 at 9:23 am

    Love that the ingredients are already measured out for you!

  • Dandi D
    September 23, 2015 at 7:37 am

    These look so yummy, and I like that they’re healthy too.