1 In DIY/ home decor

diy antique cabinets

I have finally started updating my kitchen cabinets.  The example on the right is the original, and the one on the left is the process I plan to discuss today.  These DIY Antique Cabinets are perfect for any farmhouse style kitchen.  I have finally painted and stained enough to really see how beautiful they are going to be.  Now I have to finish painting the lower cabinets and drawers.


Really and truly the process is quite easy first of all you need to paint your cabinet doors with a chalk paint of your choice.  Then lightly sand them before your paint stain onto the doors.  I chose a dark stain called Jacobean, but any color stain you prefer is fine.  Try to paint with the grooves of the wood.




Then you will take a rag or your husband’s old undershirts and begin wiping the stain away.  Wipe away as much or as little as you want!  When wiping wipe with the grooves of the wood.  Make sure to wipe away the stain on the edges of your door as well because when it dries you will not be able to wipe it away.


This is a picture of the stain wiped off.  Once all of the stain is wiped away you can go back into your door with details.  I chose to outline the accent marks of this particular design.  Once they are dry you can choose to vanish them to protect them from wear and tear or choose to put them back as they are.  I chose to place them back onto my cabinets and go back and stain more details before I varnish them.  If you plan to tackle this project yourself you will have nicks and scratches so I would advise waiting to add the varnish if you do not have someone to help you.  I purchased my hardware from Build.com, please check out my post here to learn more about the hardware.


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  • Theresa
    February 22, 2020 at 8:59 am

    I would love to do this to my cabinet doors!!!đŸ„°