In tech stuff

cisco :: linksys e4200 dual-band n router

In the glorious age of technology we tend to run a lot of devices from our wireless network.  A desktop computer, a laptop, two smart phones, a bluray player, and a wireless music device are the devices usually bogging down the connection speed here at our house.  Normally running least 2 of these at the same time tended to make the router from our internet provider run S.L.O.W.

Tired of having streaming videos blank out on the kids while I tried to get work done online I jumped at the opportunity to try out the Linksys E4200 Dual-Band N Router from Cisco.  This wonderfully sleek little piece of technology has become a total lifesaver for my sanity.

The Linksys E4200 Dual-Band N Router has a whole lot of technical details that make it wonderful.  Details that I don’t really understand, but just because I don’t understand all these finer technological features of the Linksys E4200 router doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate the results of having them. Here’s a video describing the Linksys E4200 in a way I ‘get’…

For those of you who are more technical, check out the Linksys E4200 Dual-Band N Router product info on the Cisco website for all those technological details that are a bit over my head.

No matter what your tech-comprehension level I think we all can appreciate how easy the set up is with the included software.  Another thing to love is that the easy to manage parental controls allow you to not only limit websites, but also access time.

If you’d like to get your home network running more smoothly I’d highly recommend checking out the new Linksys E-Series routers.  If your unsure what Linksys router would be the best fit for your family check out their short questionnaire to help find the right router for your needs.

Linksys E4200 Dual-Band N Router :: $179.99

*I received product to facilitate this review and promotion. The opinions expressed are my own.*

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