3 In clean it up/ organize

children’s consignment sales

What do you do with all the clothes your children have outgrown?  I do several things with our children’s  clothes and toys.  If you refer back to last year’s posts on Kid to Kid and Uptown Cheapskate, these are two places I take my children’s items to be consigned.  Whatever they do not take I put the other items in consignment sales like Weepeats Consignment Sale and Fairview Presbyterian Early Childhood Consignment Sale.  Both of these are local consignment sales in my area, but you could easily research your area’s local consignment sales to find some to participate in.

Consignment Sale

You have to check your local consignment sale’s guidelines, but other than that is a great way to make some extra cash for new items for your children. I have a 14, 9 and 6 year old and they are all involved in sports. Needless to say I spend a lot of money to keep them clothed and proper gear for their sports gets extremely expensive.

Consignment Sale
The guidelines for the consignment sales I participate in require me to tag them with the following information shown in the picture. This can become tedious, but if you are able to sale enough to purchase your children’s needed items it is totally worth it.

Consignment Sale
Unless I am physically unable I try to participate in several children’s consignment sales a year. I can usually make several hundred dollars in these sales. It really depends on what and how much you have to consign. I usually have tons to consign just in clothes alone. Items that are not acceptable for the consignment sales I donate to a local community thrift store that helps those in need in our community. Another great way to help your community is to reach out to those families in need yourself to ensure they have all the necessities for their children. For the consignment sales I participate in you can choose to donate your unsold items.

Consignment Sale

What you do with items your children have out grown or no longer use?  Please share so that we can help each other out.

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  • Theresa
    January 13, 2020 at 7:56 am

    This is a great way to get rid of the things your children or grandchildren have out grown!

  • Dana Rodriguez
    January 10, 2020 at 11:46 am

    No kids here but this is really a smart idea. And a good way to make a little extra cash.

    • Shay
      January 13, 2020 at 7:00 am

      I definitely try my best to be resourceful with what we already have!