2 In around the house/ valentine's day

celebrate valentine’s day with hand-made flower bouquets from teleflora

disclaimer no giveaway
teleflora shining heart bouquet collage
With Valentine’s Day falling right in the middle of winter I am a firm believer that flowers are a perfect gift for this holiday. What better way to show love for someone than bringing them a bouquet of cheer during the dreary grey winter days? Just having a bouquet of flowers to look over at periodically throughout the day really does brighten my mood, and unlike chocolate flowers help me stick to those New Year’s resolutions.

Now, I don’t know about you, but I cannot arrange a flower bouquet to save my life and quite frankly, the cheer factor goes right out the door if I’m spending 30 minutes frustrated at my lack of floral arrangement skills. That’s why I love Teleflora. Not only are the bouquets “Hand-Made with Love,” they are freshly cut, and professionally arranged by a local florist who then delivers that bouquet right to your door!

teleflora's shining heart bouquet close up
For any of you looking for some help with a not-so-subtle suggestion for your Valentine’s Day flower selections here is a little tip from me. I’m going to share some of the great new Valentine’s Day floral arrangements and keepsake containers here from Teleflora. All you need to do is find your favorite Teleflora bouquet (I’ve included some great options below) and share the photo to your Valentine. For example, “Oh, look at this beautiful Teleflora bouquet! I just love how they use local florists to deliver their online orders!”

teleflora handmade with love valentine's day bouquet
All the lovely flowers pictured above have been from the Shining Heart Bouquet that I received. The flowers included in this bouquet reminded me of my wedding bouquet which I nicely pointed out to my husband (hint hint) but your perfect floral fit could be found in any of the bouquet options pictured below, or in one of nearly 100 additional Valentine’s Day Teleflora options available. (Below from Left to Right :: Love’s Passion Bouquet, Swirling Heart Bouquet, True Lovelies Bouquet)

Valentine's Day Teleflora bouquets collage
What Teleflora bouquet will you be hinting to receive this Valentine’s Day?

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  • Laura
    February 11, 2017 at 3:31 am

    Beautiful flowers! I’m sure anyone would be very happy to get these! 🙂

  • Maryann D.
    February 5, 2017 at 8:21 am

    The bouquets in the photos are absolutely beautiful. The colors would certainly brighten up anyone’s day. What a special gift these are and Teleflora is a terrific company.