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allergy awareness with allermates :: review

AllerMates Logo_Group_2011Any parent who has a child with an allergy knows how important it is to broadcast that info in certain instances.  For us it’s a peanut allergy for Miss M.  As a 5-year-old I cannot depend on her to always remember to check the food she’s offered and need to rely on the occasional adult to also be vigilant when I cannot be there (although she does a GREAT job of remembering to ask).

AllerMates collage 1To help keep her food allergy prominent in her mind, as well as in the minds of those other adults who help care for her on occasion, we have started using an AllerMates Peanut Allergy Wristband “P. Nutty”  when we go out.

AllerMates started out as one mom’s way to help her young son feel aware of his allergies without being scared of them.  AllerMates offers kid-friendly allergy awareness education, where different cartoon character representations of  various allergies help kids have a positive attitude about their own allergies.

AllerMates Multi-Allergy BraceletThe AllerMates wristbands really do ‘fit most.’ I was surprised to find that on the smallest setting it would fit Miss M’s teeny-tiny wrist comfortably without falling off, and that on the largest setting even I was able to comfortably wear the same wristband.

If your kiddo is a little bigger, or has multiple allergies the Multi-Allergy Band and Charms are a great way to go.  Besides for being useful for myself (I have a peanut intolerance and a bee sting allergy) it made my little girl very excited to see that even mom had a allergy bracelet to wear.

Epigroupshot3-300dpiBoth types of bracelets are latex free and the packaging on the single allergy wristband also said it was nickel free.  Each also has a snap closure and don’t need to be taken off for the water (hello summer camp!).

Because Miss M has such an immediate response to ingesting peanuts we carry an Epi-Pen. Always.  Until I discovered the Epi-Pen and Allergy Medicine Carrying Case from AllerMates I was just throwing the set of pens in my purse to be dug out as needed.  Now I can keep her Epi-Pens, two single-dose children’s liquid antihistamine, and an emergency contact card all in one place!  Plus, it’s insulated to cushion and protect those important meds!

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Peanut Allergy Wristband “P. Nutty” :: $6.99
Multi-Allergy Band and Charms :: $16.99
Epi-Pen and Allergy Medicine Carrying Case:: $17.99

*The product in this review was provided to me for the purpose of conducting this review. All opinions expressed are my own. Stock images used courtesy of AllerMates.*

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  • Renee
    April 17, 2013 at 8:22 am

    These are adorable 🙂 Great idea!