In fashion/ little fashions

ain’t he just sweet as shuga? :: review

disclaimer no giveaway
sweet as shuga

I have a friend who always has her children dressed in the most adorable outfits. Her girl is a girly-girl and she loves to wear dresses with a great big matching hairbow. Her little boy is one of those children that’s so cute you just want to scoop him up and squeeze his little cheeks to pieces. (Is that a Southern thing? I think maybe it is. But it means that he’s beyond adorable!) I asked her about the personalized shirts he often wears and she told me about Sweet as Shuga, a reasonably priced place to get a variety of customized items including clothes, tote bags, sippy cups, and even some things for mom.

sweet as shuga

Although they have plenty of options for the girls (I mean just look at this! And all of this!), what I really fell in love with was all of the choices for little boys. If you’re a mom of boys, you know how hard it can be to find cute but not babyish clothes. Planes and trains and automobiles, Star Wars and Disney and super heroes, dogs and frogs and fire trucks and tractors and whew! You should be able to find almost anything your little man could want out of this selection!

My four year old helped me pick which design he wanted and when the shirt was delivered, he actually did a happy dance. He’s a mess, that one! I didn’t even have to ask if we could take pictures. He told me he was “ready to style” and he certainly did!


Harrison’s Train Tee :: $15

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