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books, books, and more blue manatee books

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bluelogoThe days have been cold and rainy and my son and I have found ourselves snuggled up on the couch reading books a lot lately! He has been interested in books for quite awhile now, and I love that one of his favorite things to do is pull all the books down off the shelf and sit and look through them. What I love even more is when he brings his favorites over to me and says the best that he can, “Read, momma!” So reading is just what this momma has been doing. Board books are still what I love most for him at this age, since he does like to look through books by himself, and he can get a little rough with them. blue3
Blue Manatee Press has unique books from their own publishing company that provide wonderful stories and illustrations. We are currently reading three of their new fall titles, and enjoying each one!

Walter’s Wheels is my son’s favorite, as it shows some of his favorite things in this world-tractors, trains, and cars. Walter is a cat who explores the different places that wheels can be found. This adorable rhyming story in board book form is perfect for toddlers! The illustrations are fun and simple, and the story is short and sweet.

Letters are for Learning is another unique board book that introduces letters with different words than your typical apple, bat, and cat. It goes through the alphabet teaching the letters through action words, and each page is full of pictures that match the letter! This will definitely be a book that will continue to provide learning opportunities over the next several years! bluemanatee2
The third book we have had the opportunity to read is Your Baby, Always. Throughout the book, the important bond between parent and child is emphasized, as it goes through different stages of growth. My favorite line reads, “Hold me close, our bond so deep. Your baby perfect, eat and sleep. Faces, voices, peek-a-boo. Your baby smiling, laugh and coo…” This would make a perfect book for a shower gift for a new family!
Blue Manatee was started in 2011 and has provided families with meaningful books to share together. The illustrations and stories provide time for parents to spend with their children doing something that will help kids learn and grow!

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  • Alina
    October 8, 2015 at 2:32 pm

    My son would love these. We have many books throughout the house but it’s never enough 🙂