2 In big kids/ infant/toddler/ toys & games

beat winter boredom with bramblebox props :: review

disclaimer no giveaway

brambleboxlogoWhile it’s technically sunny out (for the first time in a long time), it’s still so cold and there’s no chance of the snow melting anytime soon. I’m going to go ahead and say that March is coming in like a lion. A lion that went ahead and started way back in November and hasn’t let up since. While I’m dreaming of sunshine and beaches, my reality is record-breaking cold, lots of snow and a few snow days. We try our best to stay busy, but keeping kids ranging in age from 2-8 all entertained can be a challenge.

013Thankfully we have been thoroughly enjoying our theme boxes from Bramblebox Props. Bramblebox Props is a mom-owned, small business that offers a new pretend play prop kit each month.  The kits are gender-neutral and appropriate for kids ages 2-8 (which just happens to include each of my children).  You can order a single box or a monthly subscription.  Bramblebox designs and hand-collates their boxes. Each box has a different theme–you may find yourself playing detective one month, working in a bakery the next and delivering mail the next. Or mixing things up and mailing secret codes to your friends.

Our most recent Bramblebox is the Post Office box. The Post Office box is full of fun materials like a reusable mailbag, a postal worker vest and some adorable Bramblebox stamps (and much more). In addition to the supplies, Bramblebox gives you a long list of ideas to help you and your children get the most from your box. That is actually the most useful part for me. Admittedly, I sometimes just give my kids some supplies and see what happens. But this helps me give the kids some guidance to get started. Kids can prepare, sort and organize letters, practice literacy skills and role play the mail process. What I love about this box is that my eight-year-old can work on letter writing while my two-year-old can color, use stickers and “help” put stamps on envelopes. And my middle child can enjoy a little of everything!


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  • Talia
    March 9, 2015 at 11:24 am

    This sounds like a great “thing to do” with my son while we’re waiting for this snow to melt away. Engaging dramatic play, art, and fine motor skills,…sounds great!

  • Courtney Jewer
    March 9, 2015 at 12:59 am

    what a great idea! we need to try this 🙂