7 In theSIMPLEmoms

an open letter to donald trump

What a week, right?  I’m finding my emotions getting the best of me over these past few days–anyone else with me??  When I sat down to tell you about some great new products in time for Christmas, it just didn’t feel right.  Instead I felt the need to remind us all how to treat each other (yes, even on social media).  Because, regardless of our political views, we need to teach our children to respect other people (and give the President-elect a little reminder as well).
Mr. Trump,

10 weeks. In just 10 weeks you will be sworn in as President of the United States of America. Commander in Chief. POTUS. Chief Legislator. Some even consider that role to be the most powerful position in the world. So while you might like to spend the next 10 weeks hosting lavish parties, thanking supporters and relaxing, let me remind you that you only have 10 weeks to get ready to “make America great again.”

As a mom, I’d like to give you a little advice about making America great. The advice has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with human kindness. It’s quite simple, actually—in fact, it’s advice that I’ve heard many times and advice I even give my three young children. Before you speak, think. That’s it. You see, Mr. Trump, whether or not I agree with you on issues facing our country, you are our next President. You are the person many young children are looking up to. If you belittle a disabled person, our children will do the same. If you mock other cultures, our children will do the same. If you are a bully, our children will be the same.

Take a deep breath and ask yourself these 5 things: Is it true? Is it helpful? Is it inspiring? Is it necessary? Is it kind?
Mr. Trump, I do not envy you. You are taking on what will decidedly be the most difficult job of your life. You will never please everyone. People will love you. People will hate you. But in 10 short weeks you will represent all of the American people. My disabled sister. My African nieces and nephew. My Vietnamese sister-in-law. My three young, impressionable children. Picture them by your side and, please, think before you speak.

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  • Terra Heck
    November 12, 2016 at 2:00 am

    Words well said!

  • Heather!
    November 11, 2016 at 5:01 pm

    Oh, how I hope somebody puts this in front of him! I, too, have had a lot of trouble concentrating this week, finding the energy or focus to accomplish anything. But really, regardless of what else goes down or how things develop, I do hope he has somebody to help guide his development as a human being. I’d say that’s a pretty basic fundamental requirement for president! 😉

    • Gina
      November 13, 2016 at 8:22 pm

      Yes! So many people supported him based on his platform and not his personality. Let’s take this time to gear up for a second chance, Mr. Trump! Because soon my kids will be looking up to you. And I foresee a lot of long conversations in my near future…

  • Karen Glatt
    November 11, 2016 at 11:40 am

    I am in shock because Donald Trump won the Presidency. I am not going to write on your blog and bad mouth him, but we need to watch what we say and be compassionate to all people. I am at a loss for words. But I will accept that Donald Trump is going to be the next President. But I did not vote for him.

    • Gina
      November 13, 2016 at 8:21 pm

      My goal is also not to bad mouth him. Politics and policies aside, this is his chance to show the American people that he can be a competent President.

  • Denise L
    November 11, 2016 at 11:35 am

    You encapsulated my thoughts exactly. As much as dislike our President Elect for his policy stances (if you can even decipher what they are), I am most scared by his tendency to speak without thinking. As the President every one of his words will have a profound impact. I sincerely hopes he heeds your advice. I’ve already had a tough time explaining to my 7-year-old how someone who has broken all our rules to live by is going to be President. I hope there are no more tough talks in our future.

    • Gina
      November 13, 2016 at 8:17 pm

      My feelings for sure. In taking his new role, I really do think he is being offered a second chance (whether we like it or not) to do his best from that point forward to be an example to our children (policies and platforms aside).