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a simple {real food} recipe :: end of summer cabbage {soup}

I try as hard as I can to take advantage of in season produce prices – as in, cheap fruits and veggies 🙂 A couple weeks ago I noticed cabbage (which is pretty cheap anyway) for $0.35/lb and I decided to use it in some soup using up some veggies I already had in the veggie bin.

This is about as cheap as it gets! Especially if you are one that takes advantage of your pastured chicken by making your own stock out of the leftover bones.

You could very easily batch cook and freeze this up in single portions for work lunches, or in larger quart portions for a quick school night dinner. I would even put it in a warmed thermos for the kids’ lunches. My girls completely ate this up and asked for seconds. When you cook the veggies right, they come out sweet and very flavorful!

This amount fed my family of 4 for one night with the girls having a small “seconds” portion, I froze one pint, and the girls and I had the rest for lunch the next day!

Here’s what you’ll need:

1 quart chicken stock (homemade if possible to avoid MSG)

4 TB friendly fat to cook in (butter, coconut oil, tallow, lard – I was out of butter and low on coconut oil and lard so I actually used leftover bacon grease from the morning!)

1 medium/large chopped onion

½ head sliced cabbage

1 large chopped carrot

2 small chopped celery stalks

1 medium chopped potato

3-4 cloves minced garlic (3 pictured here but I ended up adding a 4th because  I thought they were small)

1 large tomato (seeded and juices scooped out)

2 tsp basil

Sea salt/pepper to taste

  1. Saute the onion, cabbage, carrot, celery in the friendly fat for a few minutes until softened and sweet. Add a couple pinches of sea salt to help their juices come out and caramelize the veggies.
  2. Add the minced garlic and cook for a minute.
  3. Add the stock and rest of the ingredients and bring to a boil.
  4. Reduce to a simmer and cook on low simmer for about 10-20 minutes or until the potatoes are cooked through.
  5. Top with shredded raw cheese, sour cream, or coconut milk if you choose 🙂

Kitchen Tips:

  1. You can prep the veggies the night before so you just have to dump them in when you get home from work or school. I made this start to finish in about 40 minutes including chopping, cooking, and clean up. While the veggies sauté I chop the rest of the stuff and clean up, and while the soup is simmering I change diapers, or read a book to the girls, or set the table, etc.
  2. Again, this freezes great so double batch it and use up the whole head of cabbage and freeze some for busier weeks.
  3. If you aren’t able to make your own stock, I have found that the Pacific Organics brand of VEGETABLE stock does not have MSG. The chicken and beef stocks do and I have not been able to find meat stocks on store shelves without MSG.
  4. If you need an idea for the other half of the cabbage try my coleslaw recipe 🙂
  5. Here is my recipe for veggie wash if you need something to scrub up your veggies!


What seasonal veggies do you love getting at good seasonal prices? What is your price point for paying seasonal veggies? I’m in Michigan and I don’t like paying more than about a dollar per pound for veggies in season 😉

This post was shared at Real Food Forager’s Fat Tuesday and The Nourishing Gourmet’s Pennywise Platter, and Real Food Freaks Freaky Friday, and Too Many Jars In My Kitchen’s Fill Those Jars Friday!

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