1 In around the house/ DIY/ get crafty/ home decor/ organize

a simple DIY :: flip down kids’ desk

Here we are, fresh into 2014 with the buzz of “New Year Resolutions” and “2014 Goals” swirling around our heads, homes and social media. Have you set your 2014 Goals or Resolutions yet?

Well, if you have “take back my desk” or “make our space work for us” on your list or you just want to do a fun project, I have the perfect one for you!

Flip Down Kids’ Desk


This is a pretty easy ‘starter’ project so you don’t have to worry about being all crazy awesome with tools. I actually found this project through Ana White. Have you met her yet? If not, you need to! She’s going to be your new best friend in 2014! She makes amazing projects for around the home and then breaks it down step by step for you. And it’s all free. Best Friends do that for each other.

To start, jump over to Ana’s site and check out the plans, supply list, and cut list she’s created for this flip down desk. Of course you can create it just like she did or you can keep reading and check out the modifications we made. {keep reading! keep reading!}

modification #1 — no paper roller

Honestly, I know my kids and I know that if we had added the roll of paper to their Flip Down Desk, two things would happen: (1) it would become a game and I would have paper all over the house and (2) we would be out of paper in less than an hour. So, for my sanity, we nixed the paper roller in the plans.

Instead, I added another little shelf and on the right and left the left side taller and more open. I also adjusted the shelf heights to accommodate the fun little pencil tins I picked up at Land of Nod. That’s the fun part! You can add or eliminate a shelf or adjust the heights depending on how you’ll be using the desk.


modification #2 — double the support

I really wanted to make sure this desk lasts for a while so I doubled the support wires on desk, putting one on each side.


modification #3 — no chalky-chalk mess

Since this Pull Down Desk was going to live in my office, I immediately questioned the chalk board front. Yes, it’s super cute, but I wasn’t too hip on having the mess of chalk dust all over my office. So I thought about making it into a white board front, but then remembered I was talking about my kids and figured I would end up with marker all over the place. Finally I decided to just add decal to the front to add a bit of decor to the space.

Again, this is housed in my office and I loved the idea of it not always looking like a “kid thing”. So I found a fun decal quote and added it to the front of the desk. This also meant I could do away with the trim around the edges, making it bit lighter when pulled down and eliminating a step in the plans.


The best part about opting for the decal is that I can always change it up if I like. I can add the picture frame look later, add a metal front for a magnet board or add some cork for a push pin board. Lots of options! And since I get bored with decor easily, options are my second best friend.


We hung our Flip Down Desk just high enough on the wall to add a stool underneath. The kids loving using it as an art desk and homework station. And when they are done, they just latch the desk back up and the mess and art supplies are out of sight!


What fun house projects do you have planned for 2014?

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  • Carinn
    January 3, 2014 at 8:54 am

    I love this idea! I’ll definitely have this on my project list for the summer when my outdoors workspace is usable again (by that I mean there is no garage with my old farmhouse and this winter is too cold to mess around with power tools and frozen fingers).