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{a SIMPLE Christmas} holiday books from sleeping bear press :: review

Sleeping Bear Press logoA couple years back we started a new holiday tradition with our girls. Each day during Advent I had a new Christmas themed book for my girls to open or a special activity written on a slip for that day’s Advent Calendar countdown. Every year I add some more books and with this tradition in place I was very excited when Sleeping Bear Press sent me a couple of their Christmas/Hanukkah books to share with our readers!

Sleeping Bear Press has many great Christmas books already in print but here are two of their new releases that my girls have enjoyed reading as the official start to our Christmas festivities.

Boris and Stella and the Perfect Gift coverBoris and Stella and the Perfect Gift :: the story of Boris and Stella is a child-oriented adaption of The Gift of the Magi and author/illustrator Dara Goldman does a wonderful job telling the story of how both Boris and Stella want to make the holiday special for each other.  To do so they each sell their most treasured possessions in order to raise the money to purchase the perfect gift for the other bear.

The girls sat and listened attentively as I read them this story about the two bears Boris, a musician, and Stella, a baker.  As a parent I appreciated how this was a kid-friendly story showing how the holidays are not all about looking at what we can get for ourselves, but how we can give to other and make the holidays special for our loved ones.

Deck the Walls A Wacky Christmas Carol coverDeck the Walls! A Wacky Christmas Carol :: if you’re looking for an offbeat read to add to your Christmas season, this is the book for you! You can’t help but read this silly story to the classic holiday “Deck the Halls” tune, but with lines like “Build a snowman with tomoatoes” and “Olive hockey with the cousins” you are more likely to end up with tears of laughter than those of the sentimental variety.

Reading along I couldn’t help but think of holidays past with my own cousins and the mischief we would get into. This fun book even includes the original “Deck the Halls” carol in the back of the book along with a recipe for Christmas Sugar Cookies (which look delicious).

Boris and Stella and the Perfect Gift :: $15.99 (hardcover)
Deck the Walls! A Wacky Christmas Carol :: $14.99 (hardcover)

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  • Olivia Rubin
    November 10, 2013 at 5:12 pm

    The deck the walls book looks so cute. Not familiar with this publisher, but I do like the books you reviewed.

  • Amy
    November 10, 2013 at 3:29 pm

    Boris and Stella and the Perfect Gift sounds so sweet! I bet my boys would love it.