In toys & games

bonding and building up their card collections :: pokemon :: master commander :: baseball cards

disclaimer no giveawayDuring the school year we don’t do video games or devices on weekdays. It was not a popular rule when we put it into affect last year, but it’s been so good for all of us. Nobody is rushing to get homework done so they can play video games. There’s no fighting over who has played what device more then someone else. They go outside, they practice instruments, they ride their bikes, they play board games, we cook dinner together, and you get the point. A non-device activity that they enjoyed this week was opening Pokémon cards, baseball cards, and the magic commander card game.
trading cards


tag teamTwo Pokémon can be stronger when they join forces, as you’re bound to learn after getting your hands on these new TAG TEAM cards. Tpokemon taghe team cards are an impressively solid hung of metal and the kid’s were quite captivated by them. That’s the nice way of saying, there were 3 kids and 2 tag team cards so they fought over them.


Hit it out of the park with the Fire Baseball Fat Pack and Full Box, just the thing to put a little swing into your September! If you have any baseball loving friends, these make for great birthday gifts.

baseball card gift


I should have had the kids explain this one to me more. It’s a card game of some sorts. You can find more information about all these card sets on the Excell website and find RETAILERS here.

cards to collect

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