4 In around the house/ clean it up/ get crafty/ halloween/ holidays

5 ways to clear out the halloween candy stash

Show of hands for all the post-Halloween parents who are just ready for their kids to no longer have an in-house sugar buzz. You are not alone, and to help the process along here are some ideas on how to get that candy out before our kids become the sugar zombies we all know they can be…


1) Halloween Candy Buy Back :: you may know of a local dentist office that participates in a candy buy back after Halloween but if you are unfamiliar the premise is that they offer an exchange of candy for money, toys, dental products, or just fun! This specific program provides the candy to Soldier’s Angels for their Holiday care packages to soldiers overseas. You can learn more at the Halloween Candy Buy Back website where you can also look for a local buy back location.

2) The Sugar Goblin :: last year SIMPLE mom Shannon shared The Sugar Goblin with her girls. You can learn all about how this cute green Goblin takes the candy away from the kids and leaves your house sugar-free in her original post HERE.

3) College Students :: when I was in college my Aunt started sending me care packages about a week after major “candy” holidays with the remains of my younger cousin’s candy collections. Study session fuel! This year 4 of my cousins are receiving gallon bags of candy from our house but I know that our high school aged babysitters would also enjoy the candy love!

4) 3 Leftover Halloween Candy Recipes :: if you feel like getting some baking done, here is a post from blogger Jo Lynne Shane with “3 Leftover Halloween Candy Recipes” that would quickly disappear at my house (and I’m not sure it would be from the kids…).

5) Halloween Bark :: with a simple search you can find many great recipes on Pinterest for leftover Halloween candy. Try searching “Halloween bark,” “Halloween candy recipes,” or even “Halloween candy wine pairings” if you feel that it’s time to make the rest of the stash yours. Because the Candy Tax is real and what better way to enjoy your cut of the candy than with a glass of your favorite vino?

And just for fun, here is the latest club of kids crying for this year’s Jimmy Kimmel “I Told My Kids I Ate All Their Halloween Candy” YouTube Challenge.

How does the Halloween candy get cleared out of your house?

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  • Renee Rousseau
    November 15, 2016 at 1:20 pm

    I just made an advent calendar out of leftover and 90% off Halloween candy. Doubled the excitement that one chocolate bar can deliver!

    • Carinn
      November 16, 2016 at 7:42 pm

      That’s brilliant!

  • Karen Glatt
    November 5, 2016 at 11:06 am

    I try to get rid of the candy after Halloween within a week. I can not have it sitting around to eat. To fattening!

  • Cynthia R
    November 3, 2016 at 11:32 am

    I bring my leftover candy to work and that usually takes care of it pretty quickly.