8 In around the house/ get fit/ get healthy/ let's go outside/ tech stuff

5 reasons i’m recommending the #JabraSportPace headphones — they don’t slip, for starters!

Remember how I shared with you a little while back about a earbuds that my husband WANTED? Well, he got his wish! He has officially taken over what I’m sharing with you today. We had the opportunity to try out the Jabra Sport Pace headphones for when we are on the run, quite literally, and our findings were AMAZing! If you are a runner, or workout, or walk at a brisk pace, you know that it’s hard to find a pair of headphones/earbuds/etc. that will stay put. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve ripped off earbuds that fall out, mid race. And when I say “ripped off”, I’m being totally serious. Like dramatic in the whole process. It’s so frustrating…and anyone who may have witnessed it can attest to that. But running and working out is hard, you need things to stay put! When they don’t, well…yah.gym-bag-essentials-for-my-daily-workouts

So, you now know that these headphones are no joke if I’m sharing them, given the story I just shared with you. Since receiving the headphones, I have taken them with me on a handful of runs, and so has my husband. He has actually now placed these in his gym bag and labeled them as his own. So be it, I’ll get another pair. You can easily find these on Amazon all the time! Plus, I did score the other ones that I’ve been using day in and day out, the Jabra Halo ones.

Jabra Sport Pace headphones in use

Outside of them staying put, here are five reasons WHY I’m recommending the Jabra Sport Pace headphones as a great option for workout headphones

Wireless. Yes NO FREAKING WIRES to get in your way when running.

Amazing sound. I don’t like to have my sound too loud because I like to hear what’s around me, but my husband is a different story. Ha!

Sweat resistant. I need something that isn’t going to slide off when the sweat starts dripping or the rain starts coming down…or when the occasional sprinkler comes on in my path.

Stay put. That’s again, a totally winning thing. But to make it a full five, how about the ability to answer phone calls with the push of a button and made from reflective material? Yup!! Both of these!

Tracking. But in a good and non weird government conspiracy scenario way. Ok, maybe tracking isn’t the correct word, tracking your training. Is that better? See the picture, that explains it better. Ha!

Jabra Sport Pace Capabilities
All in all, phenomenal and at a great price for what you are getting.

How can you see yourself wearing the Jabra Sport Pace headphones? What activities would these pair well with? Talk to me!

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  • G K
    October 15, 2016 at 8:33 pm

    I’m always looking for good headphones. I loves that they hook around the ears because mine are always falling out.

    • Shannon
      October 24, 2016 at 10:57 am

      I totally know what you mean!

  • Laura
    September 28, 2016 at 7:43 pm

    I LOVE that these are wireless. I’ve been looking for a good pair!

    • Shannon
      October 6, 2016 at 11:46 am

      I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

  • Stafford
    September 26, 2016 at 1:45 pm

    Um, you had me at sweat resistant!!! Love reading reviews about new brands.

    • Shannon
      September 26, 2016 at 2:14 pm

      I hear ya!! 🙂

  • Angela Saver
    September 25, 2016 at 5:19 pm

    Oh I love that these are wireless, stay in place & are sweat resistant! I need these!

    • Shannon
      September 26, 2016 at 2:14 pm

      They are so, so good!! 🙂