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4 ways to live more sustainably

The climate crisis is becoming an increasingly significant cause for concern. While it’s disheartening to see that many political leaders and corporations have failed to take some important steps towards counteracting the effects of the climate crisis, there’s a lot that individuals and families can do in their day-to-day lives that can make a significant impact. No effort is too small and insignificant to feel as though it’s not worth taking. In order to effect meaningful change, everyone has to collectively show a willingness to change their lifestyles to save the planet. These changes will make it possible for people to preserve their way of life and safeguard the quality of life for future generations. Here are four things that you can do to live more sustainably.

1. Produce Less Plastic Waste

A lot of people tend to think that using an excessive amount of plastics isn’t really a big deal because plastics can be recycled. In reality, the United States is woefully behind in its plastics recycling initiatives. In years past, American plastics were shipped overseas to China for recycling, but China no longer accepts plastics from the United States. A lot of plastics are put in the ocean or landfills. Burning plastics releases chemicals that cause dangerous pollutants to enter the air and ground water. You can make a move towards more eco friendly living by using less disposable plastics. Use reusable items such as bags and bottles.

2. Change What You Drive

It’s very common to see as many large SUVs in a parking lot as regular-sized sedans or compact cars. However, a rather small amount of individuals who drive SUVs actually need such a large vehicle with such poor fuel efficiency. You should choose a vehicle that’s the size that you really need and has good fuel efficiency. Ideally, you should choose a model that has hybrid fuel and electric power or is entirely electric. In the years to come, electric vehicles will dominate the roadways. Over the course of 2020, electric vehicle stocks have surged even while other equities have seen sharp downward turns because the future for electric vehicles has become more clear than ever.

3. Use Renewable Energy to Power Your Home

Solar panels for home use have become more affordable than ever before. In addition to helping you save on your ongoing energy bills, you’ll reduce your reliance on electricity that’s derived from sources that are damaging to the environment. Unfortunately, many states actually still use burning coal and other fossil fuels to produce electricity. Having a renewable energy source for your home ensures that you won’t be contributing to the needless destruction of natural resources and the environment when clean power is readily available to everyone. You can get a solar panel system that can power some or even all of your home. As an added bonus, you’ll raise your home’s value.

4. Conserve Water

Reducing water waste is something that every household should take seriously. Some people may feel a little nervous about taking steps to use less water because they naturally assume it means having to do without the water that they really need. However, there are a few ways to reduce water waste in your home that won’t really interfere with your lifestyle. One easy thing that you can do is repair any leaks in your sinks or replace the flapper on a running toilet. A slow leak can result in losing gallons of water in a week or even just a day. Also, you can install low-flow meters which moderate the amount of water that comes out of your faucets.

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