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why don’t you do some reading under the stars with me? #summerreading

SummerReading-1This year’s Summer Reading theme is Reading Under the Stars, and is powered by EVEREADY®, the maker of batteries and flashlights, to encourage families to discover new and fun ways to explore reading outside this summer.

EvereadyLogoDid you read my post a few weeks back sharing with you information on the Scholastic Summer Reading program? If not, take a second and pop over and check it out. Great – now you are up to speed!!

My oldest daughter just turned 8 years old in April, and come this school year, she will be in 3rd grade. Seriously!! How does this happen so fast?!?! Considering we are a month in to our summer break now, I thought it would be fun to have some of her girlfriends over and not only play, but get to talking a bit about what they have been doing for fun this summer. My hopes were to hear they are all still reading! LogoIt’s crazy how busy and off schedule we can all get in the summer months. When kids don’t read, their comprehension and so much more goes down!! It can even effect them later on in their schooling, just by not reading during the summer months. I am doing my best to keep my little readers on track, and the Scholastic Summer Reading program has sure helped! Not only is it keeping us on track, and is a constant reminder, but my kids are reaching for goals WHILE reading!! Win/Win.

Summer Reading Program CollageThe kids played a lot outside, we had fun inside and before they left, I divided up some of the goodies I received to host this little get together from EVEREADY®. In the box there were a ton of flash lights and EVEREADY® batteries, enough to fully go around. There was also a headlamp that the girls thought was awesome! I encouraged them to use the flashlights to do some fun summer reading! My girls have been caught a few times since the party reading while they SHOULD have been sleeping 🙂 There were also some books that I shared around too…it was just a ton of fun!!summer reading program fun

I wanted to share a few reasons WHY you should do (if you aren’t already) the Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge:

  1. By participating, it will increase your child’s reading volume and give them more practice before the school year begins.
  2. The program keeps kids reading and engaged during the fun summer months.
  3. When you sign your child up, be sure to assign his/her school to their account. The elementary school with the most logged minutes will win a visit from best selling author/illustrator David Shannon and the middle school with the most minutes will receive a visit from bestselling author, Gordon Korman.
  4. As kids log their minutes, constellations line up and fun facts are shared with your child.
  5. Parents, you can track what your child is doing too!
  6. There’s a lot more – click on over and see for yourself!

Everready Collage

Have I intrigued you to sign your child up and check things out?  Have I inspired you to have your own Reading Under the Stars party with you child’s friends? If so…please download the following invitation and use freely to invite people over!!SC2014_DigitalParentInvite4

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Now in its 8th year, the Summer Reading Challenge program is dedicated to stopping the “Summer Slide” and getting kids to read throughout the summer months when school is out.

Starting May 5, 2014, kids can log their reading minutes (online and on smartphones) as they Read for the World Record, enter sweepstakes to win fabulous prizes, and earn digital rewards when they complete weekly reading challenges.

This year’s Summer Reading Challenge theme is “Reading Under the Stars” (powered by EVEREADY®). Throughout the summer, kids will read around the galaxy and unlock star constellations as they log reading minutes.

In 2013, Scholastic inspired more than 130,000 kids from 4,200 schools in all 50 States and 31 countries to set a new record for summer reading of 176 million-plus minutes!


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