6 In around the house/ in the kitchen/ tips and tools

time to clean up your oven :: saturday inspiration and tip

cleaning inspirationHard to believe it’s Saturday again. Here is another post to inspire you to stay on top of those random household tasks that get away from us. My oven was a fright! It’s nice and clean again and I’m happy it’s going to stay clean with my chef’s planet oven liner (click HERE for a review).

Baseboards 101Did you clean any baseboards this past week? If you missed last week’s cleaning inspiration, you can click the thumbnail to the left. I’m hoping to bring you a new tip each week. My house should be sparkling by the time we welcome #3 in April. Okay, probably not, but at least I’m trying.


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  • Sharon
    January 26, 2013 at 12:12 pm

    How did you know I have cringing as I walk past my blinds!!?

    WHERE does all this dust come from!?

    I like the sock idea, I will try it.

    Ginny, I really enjoy your posts and your newsletters in my inbox are some of my favorites. I’m one of those ‘non-commenters’ …I read and then move on, but your effort has spurred me to action and I wanted to let know know you ARE read and I do appreciate your effort!

    Once I decided “let’s roll” on that oven I did all of the prep (nasty stuff with a cleaner and lots of paper towels before I turned on the self clean) ….but it’s not working properly so I called KitchenAid but their customer service center is not answering the phone and I cannot access my manual online!

    A for effort, though ….


    I may need to break out my elbow grease and some caustic cleaner (which I hate!).

    • Ginny Logan
      January 26, 2013 at 12:37 pm

      Doesn’t that just figure…what should be a simple job turns into calls to customer service. Big fat bummer. Totally an A for effort though! 🙂

      Thanks for posting today. I too can be a ‘non-commenter’ because life is busy. We glean the info and move on. Nothing wrong with that, but it’s nice to get such kind feedback too.

      I’m going to try these tips I saw on Reader’s Digest and post on my favorite…if you want a head start on your blinds. 🙂 http://www.rd.com/home/tips-for-cleaner-drapes-and-blinds/

  • Renee
    January 26, 2013 at 11:50 am

    I need to do this 🙂 Like BAD lol 🙂

    • Ginny Logan
      January 26, 2013 at 12:08 pm

      I do it like once a year. Sure nobody sees inside my oven, but I know it looks a fright. I’m excited about my oven liner keeping it super clean.

  • Sharon
    January 26, 2013 at 10:40 am

    Ginny, thanks to you I cannot walk past my baseboards without hearing your article from last week in my mind. LOL! I am now at the point where I’m saying to myself, “ok, ok I’ll DO IT!”

    Since I spend so much time in my kitchen (much more than with my baseboards) ….ok, that’s it. You have goaded me (sweetly so) into cleaning my oven today!

    No, I won’t do the baseboards too! lol! …they are still on the spring cleaning list, however …along with your pointer of using dryer sheets to prevent faster post-cleaning dirtying.

    Good for you. 🙂

    Keep ’em coming …I am listening.

    • Ginny Logan
      January 26, 2013 at 11:51 am

      Oh Sharon, this comment makes my day. I’m by no means a perfect housekeeper, but the little things like dirty baseboards, ovens, toasters, microwaves, etc. do bother me. I just walked by my blinds yesterday and when they are closed I saw a hand print in the dust. Guess I will add that to the list of things to stop ignoring!: ) I just saw a tip to put a sock your hand to dust blinds. I will try it out and pass along more tips in the future if it works. Happy oven cleaning today!