2 In toys & games

the wonder forge :: busy, busy airport

A few months back we got to try out the Richard Scarry’s Busytown Eye found it! game from The Wonder Forge.  Since then 4-year-old Michaela’s obsession with Busytown and all things Richard Scarry has only grown.  To the point where her most frequently played with imaginary friends are all Richard Scarry characters.

You can imagine the excitement when we got to try out another Richard Scarry game… it involved a lot of squealing, smiles, and immediate requests to play the game.

Whether your kids are fans of Richard Scarry’s Busytown series or not you should definitely check out The Wonder Forge’s Busy, Busy Airport game.  The premise of the game being that you need to collectively pick up all the passengers from the airport and get as many as you can to their destinations.  Pretty basic, but that’s perfect for the 3+ crowd the game is geared for.

I love that there is some more advanced counting in this game.  Not too intense, but at the end when you count all the items on your souvenir cards you count them as a collective.  So, if you have 4 seashells, 3 mugs, and 1lighthouse your total count will be 8.  I think this is neat because kids have to concentrate on counting the number of items even if they aren’t ready for the basic addition you can use to get your totals.

It’s also pretty neat that you have to put the 4 destination cards where you drop off your passengers spread out around the room.  This is perfect for kids who can’t sit still for too long and need to get up and move around during the game (this is totally my children).  Perfect, because the game is what is making them move and they’re having fun while following the directions.

Busy, Busy Airport Game :: $19.99

*I received product previously to facilitate this review and promotion. The opinions expressed are my own.*

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  • nan
    December 2, 2011 at 11:19 am

    we have this book, would love the game..will have to look for it

    • Carinn
      December 8, 2011 at 8:30 pm

      Hi Nan! I actually have seen it for sale at stores like Target and Toys-R-Us if you want to be able to buy it in a store. It’s been a BIG hit here!