In books & learning/ media

the possibilities are endless with the baby unicorn manifesto

Research shows that a child’s self-esteem has developed by the time they are five years old – making the earlier, formative years, critical for their development and ability to maintain high self-esteem.  I love reading to my kids and sharing a story with them that they will learn something from.

A newly released book The Baby Unicorn Manifesto, offers a way for children to see and understand their unique abilities and contribution to the world, and the possibilities that are open to them throughout their lives.

The Baby Unicorn Manifesto

Inspired by the birth of a friend’s daughter, renowned thought leader, author and speaker, Dr Dain Heer, created the book as a reminder of the unlimited potential we each carry into the world at birth.

“From the moment you are born, people tell you how to fit into this reality. They teach you how to judge. They teach you how to separate from others and make yourself wrong, how to try to win, how not to lose, and how to get things right,” Heer explains. “By the time we start kindergarten, we are already forming a self-esteem based on these external judgements. We are already forgetting who it is we truly know ourselves to be.”

the baby unicorn manifesto

Easy to read and exquisitely illustrated, The Baby Unicorn Manifesto is about the magic and possibilities on our beautiful planet, where we are only limited by our imagination.  The colors and bright graphics of this book are simply fun and enjoyable. They are sure to grab the attention of the reader.

My daughter is 7 and self-esteem is huge at this age.  Anything can break them down in an instance.  It is up to us to help them see and develop a high self esteem.  All children are special in their own unique way and I think this book help them understand that.

A must-read for any new or expecting mums and a perfect addition to any child’s bookshelf.

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