In media/ music & movies

the not-its! kidquake! :: review

kidQuakeCoverWith the plethora of winter storms, rain storms, and just plain messy weather lately we have been spending a lot of time inside.  As all moms know, when you spend more time inside you need to become creative with how to burn off that excess energy from the kids.

Helping to burn off that excess energy at our house has been The Not-Its! newest release KidQuake! From the first “Shake, shake, shake! KidQuake! KidQuake!” to the last “We love you” my girls were rocking out!

KidQuake! is the third Kindie Rock release from The Not-Its! If your kids or your own musical tastes run more towards pop or pop-rock you definitely need to check out their great music.

While my girls loved this album at their current ages (3 & 5) I really felt like this was an album that could grow with them, or would even be perfectly fit for those upper elementary/tween ages. (Read: it didn’t sound like a kid’s album, which really appeals to those older kids!)

The Not-Its! jumpThis is a veteran group of musicians with roots in everything from 90’s indie-pop, to punk rock, to Seattle indie bands, and even a former member of Harvey Danger.  The Not-Its! also have a great kid-knowledge base with band members including a social worker, an elementary school teacher for special needs children, and all together “a real circus” of 10 kids when they all get together!

Connect with The Not-Its! ::
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KidQuake! :: $12.00 physical album; $7 digital download

*The product in this review was provided to me for the purpose of conducting this review. All opinions expressed are my own*

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