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the color of dreams :: a magical journey coloring book

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the time gardenThe Time Garden” by Daria Song is a lovely story of a young girl who finds herself inside her father’s new coo-coo clock. We see her explore a series of fantasy worlds, each one more beautiful than the last. When morning breaks and the clock coo-coos again, she wonders if her journey has all been a dream. Each scene is hand-drawn in exquisite black-and-white detail. The only thing missing is you. And your colors. the time garden

I started (adult) coloring about 6 years ago. It was calming and cathartic, and it also became a tool of meditation and prayer for me. I love that so many people are now exploring coloring as a form of relaxation or therapy or just for fun.

the time garden

As adult coloring books have become more and more popular, it’s been much easier for me to find coloring books that I love, but all the choices can sometimes just end up being overwhelming. “The Time Garden” stood out to me because it’s not only a coloring book, but a story book as well. It begins and ends with words and lets your mind wonder as you color all the pages in between.

Daria’s follow-up story, The Time Chamber, is now also available.

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  • Theresa Hover
    November 2, 2015 at 12:46 pm

    This is a great idea, and a much better way to unwind at the end of the day instead of going on facebook. I need to start coloring 🙂

  • Laura J
    October 18, 2015 at 10:52 pm

    Oh I love to color too as an adult! It is very relaxing! This coloring book looks so neat!

  • Karen Glatt
    October 18, 2015 at 11:41 am

    I love to color! This coloring book looks amazing and fun to do. I like coloring because to me it is so relaxing and fun to do. I need to get some of these!