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the boodle box :: subscription box for teens and tweens

disclaimer no giveaway

boodleboxlogoHow many of you have a tween daughter?  I hate to call my 9-year-old a “tween” just yet, but she is getting to that “too old for toys, too young for boys” stage.  For her birthday this year, she had a hard time coming up with anything she wanted.  We’ve  been happy to be introduced to The Boodle Box, a monthly subscription box for girls.  The Boodle Box has two different box options–one for girls ages 6-11 (which we tried) and one for girls 12 and up.

007Priced at just $19.99 per month, I was shocked at how much was in our Boodle Box!  The box was ladybug-themed and super fun.  My daughter first noticed the ladybug themed Oreo cookie.  My little girl has a big sweet tooth, so she was so excited!  This was followed by a hand-sanitizer holder (perfect to hook right onto a lunch box at school), a toothbrush holder, a beaded bracelet, two twist-tie spotted headbands (can I just say how well these stay in her hair?  I love them!), black and white puffy paints and a blingy ladybug iron-on.  And, just for fun, there was a red clown nose for Red Nose Day.  This was a hit with all of the kids at our house.  The retail of the box was just over $60!  All for just $19.99.

005I love that, while sticking with a theme, the items in The Boodle Box included fashion accessories, crafts and even personal products.  These are all things my tween daughter loves (and her friends seem to as well), so I think The Boodle Box got it right for this age group.  There was nothing that seemed too young or too old.  And she has been thinking outside of the box with the items as well.  While the headbands look adorable in her hair, she also had fun twisting one into a wand and doing her best Hermione Granger impersonation while we read Harry Potter.  Gotta love her creativity!010

If you have a tween or teen daughter (or need to buy a present for one), check out The Boodle Box.  What would your daughter like best from the ladybug box?


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  • Terra Heck
    June 4, 2015 at 5:32 am

    I have a 12 yoa and a 14 yoa girl in the house. They’d love to receive these subscription boxes in the mail. I’ll have to check it out.

  • Danielle Royalegacy
    June 2, 2015 at 8:15 pm

    Oh, these look like so much fun!

  • James Robert
    June 2, 2015 at 11:19 am

    Having 3 girls that could use this right now, they would all be wanting this but would get expensive for me.Would be fun for them to know they will be surprised with what is inside though.

  • Nicole Dziedzic
    June 2, 2015 at 7:15 am

    I love that this has both a choice for boys and girls and age. I love subscription boxes for kids! This one looks like a fun one too! Awesomeness in a box for sure!