In SIMPLE causes/ theSIMPLEmoms

target’s solution, from a mom of four…

Oh Target, what have you done? You couldn’t have honestly thought this through. Let me guess…some number cruncher or analyst suggested this? I mean, if you looked at your target demographic…your main shoppers, I’m guessing it’s middle aged MOTHERS! Not the people you are targeting to please in your latest media blow up.

I’m looking at this AS a mother, and a mother only. I’m not looking at this as a transgender supporter or non-supporter. I’ll save those thoughts for some other day when I’ve had too much to drink. Ha! But…if I were to guess, I would imagine that you ruffled feathers of WAY more supporters of “family” based shoppers then the small amount of transgender or otherwise individuals.

There HAD to be a different solution. 

I mean, when I am shopping with my four girls, yes FOUR, I go to the family restroom. I can’t even count on all my fingers and all toes how many times I’ve had to wait for this…come to find out it’s a single individual. A single person…not a family in the family restroom ahead of me. Maybe this person was too lazy to walk to the bathrooms. Maybe they were uncomfortable, just like your newest marketing attempt is trying to solve. Maybe…oy!!a simple solution for Target from a mom of four

Speaking of being a mom of four girls. Since your latest announcement, there NO WAY IN HELL that I’ll ever let my girls go in a bathroom by themselves now. Granted, they are young now, but there has been a time or two I’ll let my 10-year old go in without me as I wait outside with a full cart. Now, I’ll just stop by shopping. I’ll stop buying from YOU so I can pay for my incomplete list of items and bring my girls SAFELY to the restroom. I know I’m not alone…

And another thing, if you are truly trying to please the shoppers….WHY NOT MAKE A ROOM FOR NURSING MOTHERS???? Imagine the additional money you could have made from that alone. When I was nursing my baby or knew she was going to need to feed soon, I’d wrap up my shopping, whether I was done or not. If there is a more convenient area to nurse or pump, outside of fitting rooms, obviously, I’m sure many moms would stay longer and shop more, knowing they can feed their baby in a safe and clean environment AND complete their shopping list.

That was a lot but I wanted to share my throughs. Heck, maybe I’m the only one that feels this way. And by writing this, I by no means expect anything to change. I don’t even anticipate anyone from Target to read this. But, in case someone who feels what was done is the RIGHT thing done, maybe this will open up their eyes to how many others in the world feel.

What is your take on this with Target? What OTHER solutions have you come up with in your head? OR…should I just not even be thinking about this? LOL!

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