In around the house/ birthday/ christmas/ in the kitchen/ thanksgiving

step into the season with PureWine this year

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but it’s ALMOST the middle of November. Halloween came and went and now we are QUICKLY approaching Thanksgiving…and then Christmas will fall fast and then the NEW YEAR! How is life flying so fast?

We are always making the best of the flying time and taking advantage of every opportunity we have to have some “fun” with friends. Sometimes that’s outside adventures with friends at a local orchard or a local sporting event, or just straight up bonfires in our backyard.

With many of these events comes the opportunity to partake in beverages. My beverage of choice tends to lean towards wine. Now, I’m not one to discriminate and I’ll partake and adventure out in any direction. But, wine is always my safe bet. I learned about PureWine a while back and I have neglected to share this with you all. PureWine goes hand in hand with a fun night out.

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What is PureWine you’re asking? How’s this for a teaser….

“No More Wine Headaches.” That had me right there!

This “magical” wand will keep hangover headaches at bay. How you might ask?

The Wand™ wine purifier is the only product available that purifies your wine by removing both histamines and sulfites from a single glass of wine.

Not only is this a great thing to add to your personal wine cabinet, but how about gifting this this coming holiday season? Any wine drinker will LOVE it because I guarantee they have been there.

You can pick up a 3-pack for $11.99 over at PureWine OR stop by Amazon today. These are one-time use, so I’d stock up now. You never know when you are about to have a fun night out!

Who will you get this for? Yourself? You friends? Your child’s teacher? You name it!pure wine 2

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