3 In around the house/ baby gear/ big kid gear/ eco-friendly

squEASY gear for on the go

disclaimer no giveaway
What is it that parents love so much about those disposable squeeze pouches? They are convenient! Hand a squeeze pouch to a baby/toddler and they can feed themselves quite easily and with minimal mess. Most people don’t even care that they are expensive, just so long as they are convenient.

Squeasy gear 2BUT what I do care about is what is IN the squeeze pouches!! With SquEASY Gear, I am able to control what my child is eating. From applesauce, to homemade baby food, to water… these handy little squeeze bottles are perfect for on the go families. AND they save you money in the long run!

I have used reusable food pouches before. What I love about SquEASY Gear is that they do not try to mimic the “mainstream” commercial food pouches, but they have thought to innovate them! Because they have a little bit of structure to them, these bottles are easy to fill. They do not tip over while trying to funnel food into them. They are also flexible enough to squeeze out all of the food. And since SquEASY Gear comes with an adapter, you can easily control the flow. Use the insert to limit the flow of liquids (like water) or remove it to allow thicker foods to flow through!

My 2 year old son seems to really enjoy these squeeze bottles. When I asked him which cup he wanted to use recently, he pointed to the SquEASY Gear and said, “That one!” So grab one of your own and GO! 🙂

Squeasy Gear

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  • Jaime
    September 14, 2015 at 1:46 pm

    These look pretty great. It’s nice they are easy to fill with the wide mouth. That was my concern. Handsome lil guy too!

  • Janet W.
    September 14, 2015 at 9:22 am

    This looks so easy to hold and use! I’d like for my grandson to try it!

  • Alina
    September 14, 2015 at 8:07 am

    A definite must for on the go! Love that I have control of what I put in the bottle.