In clean it up

spring cleaning – what do you start with first?

disclaimer no giveaway
As we continue our spring cleaning this year, I always struggle with what to start with first.  Typically, it’s the changing out of the winter clothes and bringing out the summer ones.  They we start cleaning each room and purging things.  It’s so refreshing to be able to complete a room.
arm & hammer

Do you have a checklist on how you tackle a room.  It certainly makes it easier to remember what you are doing.  Here is a a little check list of what I like to do:

Spring Cleaning Checklist
  1. Wash Baseboards, door ceilings, window sills, doors, and walls.
  2. Vacuum and wash vents.
  3. Wash window treatments (drapes, etc.).
  4. Dust blinds.
  5. Wash Windows – inside and out.
  6. Dust and shine overhead lights – replace burnt light bulbs.
  7. Dust and/or vacuum light fixtures and lamp shades.

arm and hammer wipes

When cleaning, I used the Arm & Hammer Essentials™ Disinfecting Wipes.  The scents of LEMON ORCHARD™ & RENEWING RAIN™ just scream spring!  What I love is that it is a Citrus-Based disinfection and kills 99.9% of viruses & bacteria. It cleans without harsh chemicals so it’s pure and simple cleaning without the worry.

What does your spring cleaning look like?

arm and hammer wipes

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