4 In good eats

skeeter snacks :: nut free cookies :: great easter basket addition :: review

nut free cookies

Both Jack and Annabelle have nut allergies. We are a nut free house (except for the top shelf where my husband and I stash our peanut butter and goodies for after the kids go to bed!).  I will be frank, it’s an annoying allergy because there are nuts in the most random things. I’m a neurotic label checker, carry Benedryl plus an epi-pen at all times, and ask far too many questions at restaurants about food prep. I was thrilled to find out about Skeeter Snacks totally nut-free cookies. Not only are they nut-free, but they are made in a facility that is nut free. Outside of Oreos, the kids literally do not eat cookies unless I make them and well…they eat a lot of Oreos because I’m not very good at making cookies.

nut free easter basket ideaI am beyond thrilled to know about Skeeter snacks now. Just in time for Easter too. I’ve yet to find a chocolate Easter bunny that isn’t processed in a factory with nuts, but this year the kids can enjoy a basket with more then just jelly beans.

I must also add that these cookies are not only kid-approved in my house, but I can’t leave them alone either. They are really good cookies!

Your home might not be a nut free zone, but it’s very likely you will run across someone with a nut allergy you will feed, coach, play with, or teach. These snacks were created by two dads frustrated with the standard, vague labeling of products with disclaimers like “may have been produced in a facility that processes nuts,” and their kids didn’t like the look or taste of existing allergy-sensitive snacks. The Dads felt there was an unmet need for guaranteed-safe munchies that tasted at least as good as “mainstream” products (their goal was to make them so good that non-allergic people would want them).- CBS NEWS

These cookies are still hitting the shelves of stores around America. You can use their STORE LOCATOR to see where they are sold. I’m very sad that they aren’t in my area yet, but I will be the first to buy them when they come to my stores.

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  *The product in this review was provided to me for the purpose of conducting this review. All opinions expressed in this review are my own*


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  • Renee
    March 16, 2013 at 1:53 pm

    That’s great Ginny 🙂 What a tough allergy to fuss around with! Chloe’s preschool room is nut free this year because of one of the boys so we have to be so careful 🙂

    • Ginny
      March 16, 2013 at 2:17 pm

      As a parent of children with allergies I greatly appreciate it when teachers and other parents are sensitive to it on our behalf. I know they don’t have to be. Jack has a tag on his desk that says “NO NUTS” and although the kids are allowed to bring pbj sandwiches, they have a strict no trading of food rule. Puts me at ease. Thankfully Jack is a super cautious kid as well and won’t touch anything that looks like it might have nuts.

      • Renee
        March 16, 2013 at 2:21 pm

        That isn’t something to mess around with! I was excited to bring in a sunbutter dip for their snack with fruit last month and the kid was so excited that he could have it 🙂

        • Ginny
          March 16, 2013 at 2:24 pm

          Sunflower butter is good stuff. Jack doesn’t like it though. I think it still makes him nervous since it’s PB consistency. I eat it however.