1 In good eats/ organic food/ real food

only the best for kids from white leaf

disclaimer no giveaway
Does your toddler eat enough food? Enough of the right foods? It is so hard to get my 3 year old to eat anything let alone healthy foods.  I am so glad I was able to try some foods from White Leaf Provisions.With the increasing amount of unanswered questions regarding our current food products and farming methods, they began speaking with more parents and realized that they weren’t the only ones looking for healthier, more sustainable options. Products that care as much about the way in which they are farmed as the taste and purity of the final product.White Leaf Provisions

They became so inspired to solve these challenges and help others too, that it moved us into action. Both having spent many years in Europe we were familiar with the European levels of organic and purity and wanted to showcase biodynamic products and biodynamic farming methods to the U.S. marketplace.

At White Leaf Provisions, their passion is purity and transparency.

This is baby food like I have never heard before and so delicious. Miss C loves it.

White Leaf is certified by Demeter USA, the International seal of approval for Biodynamic farming practices and products. They proudly use proceeds from these products to sponsor the next generation of sustainable farmers and farm-to-school gardening and educational programs in North America.

This is the type of company I support, looking out for our children and what the world will be like for them when we are gone. We need to teach them right and give them the best we can.

Have you heard of White Leaf Provisions? Check them out on instagram!

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  • Maryann D.
    April 23, 2019 at 6:30 am

    I never heard of White Leaf Provisions before this. The products do seem so wonderful, natural and healthy to have.