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natural ways to de-stress at home

Enjoying your time at home and finding healthy and natural ways to de-stress is essential to your overall well-being. Ridding yourself of stress can make you feel healthier, look better, and have a more positive outlook. Moreover, your body will be less susceptible to illness or health conditions when it isn’t burdened by the toxic effects of stress. If you’ve been feeling more stress than usual, you need to find ways to counteract it. Making an active effort to alleviate stress can help you be your healthiest and happiest self. Here are three things that you can do to wind down and de-stress when you get home from a busy day.

Relax With Essential Oils

Many people benefit from the stress relieving properties of essential oils. There’s a strong connection between people’s sense of smell and feelings associated with particular memories and emotions; this is partly attributable to their close proximity in the brain of the areas that process smell and those that process memories and correlate them with emotions. In effect, there’s an appreciable benefit to harnessing the power of scent to evoke a positive emotional state. Lavender, chamomile, and rose can create feelings of calmness and serenity. Sandalwood can reduce anxiety while also enhancing focus. In addition to helping people feel calm and relaxed, some types of essential oils have helped people cope with physical conditions that are exacerbated by stress. For example, ylang-ylang and bergamot have been reported to improve skin conditions such as eczema.

Try Acupressure

Acupressure is a stress relieving that you can easily perform on yourself with one or two fingers. Similar to acupuncture but without the use of needles, acupressure utilizes pressure points on your body that can help you calm down and relieve the physical symptoms of stress. Pushing certain trigger points on your necks and hands, for example, can have an immediate calming effect and make tense muscles feel better.

Meditate for Twenty Minutes

A short meditation session will help you slow racing or stressed out thoughts and restore your energy levels back to normal. Meditation can help you to take on a more conscientious and restful state of mind, and it can deter you from some negative stress-induced behaviors. In addition, it can regulate your heart rate and perhaps even your blood pressure. Practiced every day, meditation can improve your cognitive function, sharpen your attention span, and even improve your ability to retain and remember new information. If the prospect of sitting for twenty minutes seems a little difficult or daunting, start with ten minutes and then work your way up to more with one or two minutes more each time that you meditate. You can download an app to help you get going and guide you through your first sessions, read an article or two, or check out an instructional video online.

Aromatherapy with essential oils, acupressure, and mediation are all excellent all-natural ways to eliminate stress. Right when you get home, take some time to focus on feeling better and relaxing your body and mind.

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