In toys & games :: aroundsquare goodwood deconstructive blocks

Combined with their complete lack of batteries, I love that wooden blocks make kids use their imaginations.  I also can’t overlook the fact that no matter how many mismatched sets of wooden blocks we may have they are all interchangeable for play (unlike their plastic counterparts that require not only the matching brand, but also sizes in order to work together).

I came across aroundsquare’s GoodWood Deconstructive Blocks available from, purely by chance while meandering around online one day.  I immediately fell in love with their interesting shapes and bright colors, and I knew my girls would have a blast playing with these blocks!

We’ve been trying out the Mulch Heap here for a couple weeks and have had fun discovering new ways to stack these uniquely shaped blocks together.  The photos shown above and to the left were Michaela’s rendition of a castle wall that she proudly created all by herself.

As much as I’d like to continue to sing all the specific praises of the GoodWood Deconstructive Blocks sets by aroundsquare found at, I just can’t.  Not because I don’t think they’re wonderful toys (because I do), but because they’re blocks and there’s not much else I can tell you about them except to go buy your own and start using your imagination! 🙂

Oh yeah… I can tell you that these blocks are made out of rubber wood and are finished with a water-based acrylic paint.  Also, all the sets can be used together to add another dimension of fun and imagination to playing with these blocks.

GoodWood Deconstructive Blocks, Mulch Heap from aroundsquare :: $35.99


*I was provided with the blocks shown above in order to conduct this review using personal experience.  The opinions provided are my own.*

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