1 In fashion/ fashion for dad/ fashion for mama

mod-to-order watches :: kickstarter campaign

If Mod-to-Order reaches their fundraising goal, I will receive the watch
shown in this promotion a “thank you” for my support.


What makes a product great? When it is made just for you BY you!

This is exactly what Modify Watches is trying to do. They are currently in a Kickstarter campaign for Mod-to-Order watches. They take YOUR design and turn it into a watch just for YOU!

I submitted a design to Modify Watches and they sent me the proof you see to the right. Pretty cool right??

There are so many options for designs! Here are just a few suggestions:

  • Drawings your kids did
  • Pictures of loved ones, pets or enemies (always good to keep them close)
  • Gifts for your startup or bowling pals, highlighting your brand, team name or logo
  • Artwork you’ve created which you want to see on a new canvas
  • Private-label designs for your brand or retail store to resell
  • Commemorative imagery to capture a perfect moment in time (um, wedding?)
  • Fundraising tools for non-profits
  • Clever ideas like your face… on a watch face (!!!)
  • Pretty much anything. Though they don’t recommend designs with your Social Security number, PIN or mother’s maiden name.

Without the funding though, Mod-to-Order watches will not happen. If you want to help support Mod-to-Order watches and be one of the first to sport one of these cool watches, be sure to check out their Kickstarter campaign! With just a $25 pledge, you will be able to pair 1 of their first 5 limited-edition, fan-designed watch faces with a limited-edition Kickstarter green strap and black strap. You can learn more HERE.


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  • Susan McNeill
    March 18, 2014 at 7:42 am

    What a cool idea. Great for teams, schools, you name it!