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magic butt cream :: DIY recipe

When you have kids in diapers you know that diaper rash is an inevitable event. For my older two kiddos the standard over the counter creams, coconut oil, or taking a nice oatmeal bath always seemed to help clear their diaper rashes up in no time at all. With my youngest… not so much.

Our littlest one introduced me to the joys of a diaper rash that also included a mild yeast infection. Super fun. Everyone loses when your tiny diaper wearing kiddo has a bottom that rivals a mandrill (you know, the monkey with the flaming red butt). Wiping causes tears, baths cause tears, sitting down causes tears. This was when I called in our doctor and got a prescription for Magic Butt Cream.

Magic Butt Cream Recipe on The SIMPLE Moms

While the Magic Butt Cream did work like magic, the price was a little less so. Because it is a prescription made by a pharmacist (probably using a combination of powder and liquid ingredients) it costs more than making it yourself with over the counter ingredients. In an effort to recreate the recipe at home without paying all the big bucks I took to the internet and after some research decided on the below combination of ingredients.

Disclaimer – I am not a doctor. If your child needs medial attention don’t use me as your online medical advice.

Magic Butt Cream ingredients from the SIMPLE moms

My littlest one has mild to moderate diaper rashes come on every couple months or so. I use the Magic Butt Cream 2-3 times a day for 1 to 2 days and it has always cleared up. If a rash lasted for longer than that I’d be on the phone to our doctor making an appointment.

For our newest batch of DIY Magic Butt Cream I used equal parts Mylanta, Desitin, and Lotrimin. The Mylanta helps soothe the skin, the Desitin contains zinc oxide to help protect the skin, and the Lotrimin contains an antifungal medicine called clotrimazole. I used 10 mL of each and mixed them together using a beauty spatula until completely combined.

Store in an airtight container in the fridge and use on dry skin as needed.

Magic Butt Cream Recipe and Ingredients from The SIMPLE Moms

I was in no way compensated for this post. Opinions shared are my own and please consult with a medical professional for any medical conditions.

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  • Amy D
    March 21, 2018 at 2:55 pm

    I love the name of this! I have a child in diapers. We’ve had our issues with diaper rash. I found that bathing in corn starch really helped her.

  • Margaret S Porter
    March 16, 2018 at 8:46 pm

    Im going to try this. My Momma is bedbound and keeps a rash. This would be great!

    • Carinn
      March 19, 2018 at 10:01 am

      My mom is an RN and let me know that it was originally not created for kiddos but bedbound patients. Hope it helps your mom!