1 In craft time/ DIY/ get crafty/ home decor/ homemade/ sewing

#lovemotherearth pinterest craft round up :: awesome #earthday crafts for the home and the kiddos

During this Earth Day event, I really want to stress how easy it is to make green choices to make a positive impact on our environment, and how much fun it is to instill in our children a sense of wonder and respect for our planet. So I wanted to share a few Earth Day activity for your kiddos, as well as some super easy and cool reusable/upcycled crafts to make for your home. Enjoy!


:: For the Kiddos ::

Nature Walk Basket :: So easy! Make a small “basket” out of a milk carton and pipe cleaner, then head outside and collect some beautiful organic things! Talk to your kids about how amazing it is that all of these things come from  our Earth, right out of the dirt! Hug a tree while you’re at it. I’m serious. Do it.

Nature Walk

For more awesome Earth Day crafts for the kids, check out The Simple Moms {go green} board on Pinterest!

:: For the Home :: 

Cloth Napkins :: I have a slight obsession with cloth napkins. It all started when I registered for 2 sets for my wedding, and realized just how fun it was to have colorful napkins that I could use again and again. Then my friend Jeanna made me a set, and my friend Anne made herself several sets, and I realized I could do that too! So now I’m constantly having to tell myself NOT to buy fabric because I have SO many cloth napkins! I love the mitered corner look of these napkins, but if you’re looking for a more basic corner method, click here.
2013 Earth Day

Reusable Fleece Swiffer :: If you have pets and fleece blankets, you will understand why the creator of this tutorial choose fleece to make her reusable swiffer pads. I swear, every fleece blanket in our house has become property of the dog, by default.
2013 Earth Day

Repurposed T-Shirt Shopping Bags :: This is soooo easy, and totally brilliant! All of those t-shirts that you can’t bear to get rid of for sentimental reasons can now accompany you on your shopping trips! This is just great!
2013 Earth Day

Get crafty!

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